Hy-pot-crisy: Truth Social’s Spicy Visa Love Affair Spells Out the American Job Recipe

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Given the sublime nature of irony that underpins the glorious landscape of American politics, it’s no wonder satirical comedy practically writes itself. In the latest episode that would make even the most hardened onion cry, Trump’s Truth Social did a little dance with a visa program the former president deemed ‘very bad’ for Americans.

As reported by ABC News, Truth Social, the digital safe space for conservatives, applied for a visa that Trump lambasted during his presidency for supposedly stealing jobs from hard-working Americans. The grandiose nature of this escapade is on full display in the detailed breakdown.

The Breakdown

  • The H-1(Oh No He Didn’t!)B Visa Fiasco
    • In a move that smells more flip-floppy than a beach sandal store in July, Truth Social—yes, Trump’s very own company—applied for the H-1B visa. Talk about a headline that feels like a badly-timed April Fools’ joke. They just can’t seem to resist the allure of bringing in highly skilled workers—presumably because no true ‘American’ understands how to operate Truth Social.

  • American Jobs for American Workers! Well, Maybe Not…
    • Trump rode to the White House on promises to prioritize American jobs, yet Truth Social’s application seems to suggest a ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ philosophy. The cognitive dissonance is thicker than the crust on a deep-dish pizza from Chicago.

  • The Art of The Deal… Or The Steal?
    • Truth Social’s H-1B application feels like a plot twist in a telenovela—unexpected, mildly entertaining, and completely over the top. It seems the art of the deal involves some international shopping after all. Perhaps there will be a sequel titled, “The Art of the Steal: American Jobs Edition.”

  • The MAGA Mirage
    • Make America Great Again apparently comes with a tiny asterisk that redirects to a webpage titled ‘Terms and Conditions May Apply.’ A fortress built on the notion of American exclusivity seems to be waving in some international VIPs.

  • A Truthful Hypocrisy?
    • One must stand back and admire the sheer audacity, it’s like watching a vegan order a double bacon cheeseburger. Truth Social might just redefine the ‘truth’ as something more malleable—more… Play-Doh than Plato.

The Counter

  • Diversity Is the Spice of Life—and a Spicy Presumption
    • Maybe we just misunderstood the plan all along. Truth Social is embracing global diversity! And by that, we mean the diverse range of explanations for the blatant hypocrisy.

  • The “Better” Americans
    • Perhaps Truth Social is on a covert mission to redefine what it means to be an American worker. The new criteria seemingly include having a really, really nice passport from somewhere else.

  • Apply Elsewhere, Unless…
    • Truth Social is just trying to save American jobs by telling Americans to apply elsewhere—because, naturally, those jobs are elsewhere.

  • Making Unemployment Great Again
    • Maybe this is all a grand scheme to increase domestic unemployment, thus giving the stimulus package a real purpose in life.

  • A Digital Wall
    • Truth Social has finally realized the ineffectiveness of physical walls. They’ve moved onto digital barriers—firewalls that allow exclusive entry for H-1B holders.

The Hot Take

In conclusion, what we’ve got here is a delightfully rich hypocrisy cake, layered with irony and topped with a dollop of mock cream — best served cold, like the heart needed to file such an application after vehemently opposing it.

But do not despair, for there lies a solution in the liberal cookbook: let’s campaign for transparency, adherence to campaign promises (what a novelty!), and policies that are as consistent as brand messaging should be. Imagine a world where politicians and their pet projects practice what they preach, where ‘Truth’ in ‘Truth Social’ is less of a brand name and more of an operational guideline.

If we truly want to safeguard American jobs and ensure fair employment practices, we must hold companies and their politically affiliated figureheads accountable for their actions. Let’s introduce a Real Truth Act, where companies are mandated by law to put their patriotic money where their mouth is—or at least provide free comedy material in the form of contradictions that are simply too good to ignore.

Source: Trump called this visa ‘very bad’ for Americans. Truth Social applied for one

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