From Royal Waves to Rave Waves: Meghan Markle Shakes Up Protocol One Groove at a Time!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Meghan Markle recently unleashed her dance moves on an unsuspecting Nigerian crowd, and let me tell you, the internet had a field day. Now, I don’t know about you, but when I hear about royalty cutting loose, I expect something akin to a fairy tale ball scene—elegant, refined, slightly boring. But Meghan? She served up a platter of reality TV spice and boy, it was refreshing!

Dancing Like Nobody’s Watching, But Everyone Definitely Is

You see, there’s something just incredibly delightful about seeing someone so meticulously polished just throwing down dance moves that you and I would reserve for when the curtains are drawn and the lights are out. And the judgy eyes of the royal decorum? Out the window!

Breaking Royal Protocol or Breaking the Internet?

Meghan’s dance wasn’t just a dance. It was a cultural reset, a break from the stiff upper lip attitude we’ve all come to associate with royalty. It’s almost revolutionary. It says, “Look, I can be royal and still know how to have a good time! Guess what? Palaces have dance floors too!”

I have to hand it to her, turning a royal engagement into an episode of America’s Got Talent”—that takes guts. Or maybe it’s just the spirit of spontaneity. Whatever it is, it’s viral gold.

When Royalty Meets Reality TV

Imagine tuning into a royal event hoping to catch a glimpse of the regal wave or some polite clapping, and instead, you get served with dance moves that might as well be accompanied by a beatboxer and a street dance crew. I mean, come on, if you’re not living for that sort of turn around, you’re probably taking life too seriously.

Can We Talk About Those Dance Moves?

Meghan’s moves weren’t just any dance moves; we’re talking about the kind of freestyle flailing that you usually see when someone’s favorite jam comes on at the supermarket. It’s real, it’s awesome, and frankly, it’s a little bit of all of us on a good day.

Royal Duties Include Dance-Offs Now

So next time you hear about Meghan Markle making headlines, don’t be too quick to judge. Whether she’s representing the crown or dropping dance bombs, she’s doing it with flair. And in a world of carefully curated royal images, a little bit of unexpected dancing is a breezy reminder that beneath the crowns and titles, royals are people too. Maybe stiff, overly-polished ones, but people nonetheless.

Now folks, brace yourselves for the traditionalists clucking their tongues in disapproval. “That’s not how royalty behaves!” Well, thank god for that. In a world that’s too often strait-laced and buttoned-up, we could all use a little less protocol and a little more rhythm.

Meghan, if you’re out there and you can hear this, keep those moves coming. The world could use a few more dance revolutions, especially from royalty. It might just be what we need to shake things up.

Source: Meghan Markle’s ‘Iconic’ Dance Moves Caught on Camera

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