
A Masterclass in International Relations: Xi Jinping’s Guide to Creating a Boring, Isolated World

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


Chinese President Xi Jinping wrapped his first visit to Vietnam in six years by calling on the Southeast Asian country to stop external forces from causing problems in the Asia-Pacific.

Source: Xi Asks Vietnam to Stop Outsider Efforts to ‘Mess Up’ Region

The Details

Well, well, well, look who’s calling out for some trouble-free peace in the neighborhood. Chinese President Xi Jinping recently paid a visit to Vietnam after six long years, and he has a brilliant solution to all the issues in the Asia-Pacific region. According to the esteemed leader, Vietnam should put an end to all those pesky external forces that are causing problems. Yep, that’s right, just snap your fingers, Vietnam, and all your troubles will magically disappear! Who needs outside influence anyway, right? They only bring progress and fresh perspectives, after all. But hey, who needs those when you can have a stagnant region? Let’s dive deeper into this mind-blowing revelation, shall we?

  • Xi Jinping’s Return: After a six-year hiatus, President Xi Jinping paid Vietnam a visit and left behind a trail of profound wisdom for the nation.
  • Stop the Outsiders: Xi Jinping urged Vietnam to put an end to external forces meddling in the affairs of the Asia-Pacific region. Because who needs collaboration and international cooperation, am I right?
  • Magical Solutions: Apparently, all of Vietnam’s problems can be solved by simply stopping those pesky outsiders from causing trouble. It’s like waving a wand and making all your worries disappear!
  • Ignoring the Benefits: Forget about the potential benefits of global exchange and cooperation. Vietnam should just turn a blind eye to the outside world and bask in its own isolation. Brilliant idea!
  • History Repeats: This isn’t the first time a leader has claimed that external forces are behind all the issues. It’s a classic move to shift blame and avoid responsibility. Bravo, Mr. President!


Hold on, let’s take a moment to consider some alternative perspectives, just for fun. Here are some counter-points to ponder:

  1. Progressive Collaboration: Embracing the collective power of the Asia-Pacific region could lead to innovative ideas and solutions. But who needs progress when you can always play the blame game?
  2. International Cooperation: Instead of shutting out the world, Vietnam could engage in meaningful collaborations, promoting mutual understanding and fostering economic growth. But hey, that sounds like too much effort, doesn’t it?
  3. Diplomatic Relations: Blaming external forces won’t improve political relationships. It might be wiser to work towards diplomatic resolutions and peaceful dialogue. But why bother when you can just point fingers?
  4. Learning from Others: Opening up to outside influences allows for cross-cultural learning and development. But who needs knowledge and cultural exchange when you can cling to the comfort of your own bubble?
  5. Shared Responsibility: Rather than placing the burden solely on external forces, it’s important to recognize the role of internal factors and take responsibility for one’s own actions. But hey, that takes accountability, and who needs that, right?

The Hot Take

Ah, the solution to all the problems in the Asia-Pacific region, as suggested by the great Xi Jinping: Let’s build a giant wall to keep out the pesky outsiders! Because nothing says progress like isolation and closed doors, am I right? We should all follow China’s lead and retreat into our own little bubbles, thinking that we’re safe and sound. That’ll surely fix everything!

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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