Barking Up the Wrong Presidency: Kristi Noem’s Canine Conundrum

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

In the delirious circus that is modern politics, here we stand, witnessing South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem aiming her political firearms at President Biden, and what do we find at the center of this latest absurdity? A dog. Yes, folks, a dog! Because venturing beyond the endless prairies of reason, we’ve apparently run out of important issues to tackle.

Now, let’s get something straight: when most people have an issue with a neighbor, they might discuss it over the fence, maybe toss a passive-aggressive note into their mailbox. But oh no, not in the political arena. If the dispute involves the highest echelons of government? Well, fetch your popcorn and watch as an army of advisors, PR gurus, and the occasional intern armed with a thesaurus go to war.

Is Kristi Noem trying to usher in a new policy, or has she just declared open season on all presidential pets? In a scenario where logic dies a painful death, the governor of South Dakota critiques Biden not on policy, not on legislation, but on… pet management. Folks, you can’t make this up!

Political debates used to be about economics, healthcare, foreign policy… and now? Dog handling. If that isn’t a sign that the apocalypse is installing its software upgrade, I don’t know what is.

And just imagine the meeting where this strategy was hatched. Picture it: a smoke-filled room, a lone lightbulb flickering, and someone with a straight face saying, Yes, let’s pivot from discussing global warming or healthcare. Let’s zing him on the dog! That person, ladies and gentlemen, is either a genius or the reason we should worry about lead in our drinking water.

But hold your horses! It’s not just about the dog. It’s about projecting an image, or at least, that’s the charitable explanation. The less charitable view? It’s a distraction tactic, shiny and bizarre enough to keep us all gawking while the more profound issues of governance quietly slither by, unnoticed. And gawk we do, because it’s mesmerizing in its absurdity!

So, let’s dissect this firework of foolishness: Governor Noem has fired a metaphorical shot across the bow of the Biden administration, hoping it’ll explode into a spectacle we all watch, leaving us temporarily blind to anything else. I mean, if you can’t trust a man to govern a nation because of his dog’s behavior, what can you trust him with? The nuclear codes? Oh please, that’s child’s play! But a Labrador? Now that’s the real benchmark of governmental competence!

Political savvy used to mean understanding the nuances of international relations, not pet psychology. But hey, I’m just a comedian, not a campaign strategist. What do I know, right?

In this theatrical absurdity, we find a mirror to our times — a bizarre, distorted reflection that says, If you’re out of good arguments, just bark louder! And isn’t that just the way of modern discourse? Forget facts, forget figures; if you want to win, just find the other guy’s canine Achilles’ heel.

I’d love to conclude with some wise prescription, a roadmap back to sanity. But who am I kidding? We’re far down the rabbit hole now, folks, and the rabbits are armed with headlines and hashtags.

All right, let’s wrap this up with the only tool that makes sense anymore: sarcasm drenched in absurdity. After all, if politics aims to be the theater of the absurd, who are we to demand a plot that makes sense?

I leave you with these thoughts, confused, bemused, and a tad amused because if you weren’t laughing, you’d be crying. And crying is no way to watch a circus, not when the clowns are out and about, juggling not just balls but the very essence of political discourse.

Source: Dog Shooter Kristi Noem Sets Her Sights on Biden’s Commander

Margaret Mayakovsky is a tenacious independent writer dedicated to exposing the truth behind political and environmental issues. She remains unwavering in her pursuit of impactful stories. Her 20-year career embodies a fearless commitment to journalism, highlighting her resolve to hold the powerful accountable with her relentless writing.

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