Trump’s Encore: Bolton Whispers Sweet Nothings of Doom

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Source: First look: John Bolton’s most damning predictions for a second Trump term

The Details

Well, folks, gather ’round as we dive into the fantastical realm of “What Ifs” and “Oh, C’mon Nows” with the man who sports a mustache that could host its own political debate, John Bolton. In an entrancing piece by Axios that reads like a prophecy you’d want to leave out of your bedtime stories, Bolton, with the care of a parent hiding veggies in a meatloaf, has slipped in his dire predictions for a second Trump term. And let me tell you, if these predictions were any thicker, we could use them as a doorstop for the entrance to Dante’s Inferno.

The Breakdown

  • Bolton’s Crystal Ball Needs Windex
    Ah yes, Bolton wields his clairvoyant powers, peering into a world where the White House once again becomes Trump’s personal playground. Describing a second term as though the consequences could be stitched together into a quilt labeled ‘Democracy? Never heard of her.’
  • The Art of No Deal
    Apparently, Trump could go deal-breaker supreme, withdrawing the US from NATO, leaving Europe and our dignity in a ‘Yuge’ pile of uncertainty. Nothing screams ‘stable genius’ like unraveling alliances faster than a cat on a knitting project, right?
  • Trading Partnerships for Tariffs
    Imagine trade deals becoming less popular than the Plague. That’s a future doused in tariffs, as Bolton predicts Trump might ditch any progressive trade agreements for a good ol’ trade war, bringing ‘Art of the Deal’ to a level fit for a museum of modern horrors.
  • The Wall Just Got Ten Feet Higher
    And what’s a Trumpian future without another sequel to the Wall saga? Bolton muses that immigration policies could tighten like a vice on reason, stranding Lady Liberty as a decorative piece rather than a symbol of hope. Maybe this time the wall comes with a moat – alligators included for dramatic effect.
  • Whose Button Is Bigger?
    Bolton’s crystal ball foresees Trump taking a swing at Iran and North Korea with policies that could spark joy—Marie Kondo style—if joy meant nuclear tension and everyone frantically googling ‘how to build a fallout shelter with IKEA furniture’.

The Counter

  • Mustache of Misdirection
    Maybe Bolton’s mustache is absorbing too much of the WiFi, because these predictions seem like they’re broadcasted straight from a haunted house’s crystal ball, one where the WiFi is used only to stream horror movies.
  • The Art of ‘He Wouldn’t Dare’
    Consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Trump re-enters the Oval Office and does absolutely nothing. Just sits there, tweeting, while the world moves on around him, like a carousel that plays the same jingle too long.
  • Tariffs Schmariffs
    Perhaps in round two, Trump spends more time launching Trump-branded products worldwide, embracing globalization like it’s the sale section at a golf resort souvenir shop.
  • Wall or Mall?
    Instead of building walls, Trump pivots to malls – because nothing says ‘keeping America great’ like a good shopping spree. Expect a food court filled with Trump Steaks and ‘Make America Shop Again’ hats.
  • Detente à la Trump
    What if the approach to foreign adversaries turns to pageants? Miss Universe meets Miss Nuclear Armament – just Trump giving out peace deals alongside sashes and tiaras.

The Hot Take

So after digesting the apocalyptic tapas served up by Bolton the Oracle, what’s the savvy liberal move? Simple – laugh. Then, maybe cry a little… but come back to laughing because it burns more calories. To fix it? Rally the vote like it’s a Black Friday sale for the soul of America. Celebrate facts like they’re the unsung heroes of reality TV. And foster unity like a kitten video going viral – because nothing tackles a possible future of political facepalms quite like good ol’ teamwork and a communal eye-roll.

Finally, let’s start a trend of reasonable policies wearing a mustache, ’cause if it works for Bolton, it’s got to have some magic, right? Engage in adult conversations, use words larger than 280 characters, and practice diplomacy like we’re not actually living in a simulation controlled by a 12-year-old with a twisted sense of humor.

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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