How to Speak Trumpian: A 5-Step Guide to Being Yuge in Syntax!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

In the never-ending sitcom that is our current political landscape, we had a new punchline dropped on us. The master of lexical stretching, former President Donald Trump, has found a thesaurus or maybe just invented some new facet of his ever-elastic persona according to a story that surfaced on Fox News. It’s almost like the news release was a covert operation designed to insert new vocabulary into the collective American lexicon. It’s a plot twist the writers of Merriam-Webster didn’t see coming. Now, let’s peel back the layers of Trump’s latest self-aggrandizing statement that has sent dictionary publishers into a frenzy and the rest of us reaching for the precious escape hatch called humor.

The Breakdown

  • The Magnum Opus of Ego
    Let’s be real, Trump has built a reputation on being anything but modest, but this latest claim might just be his magnum opus. He’s basically out-Trumped himself, and that’s not an easy feat. Somehow, he managed to turn a Fox News segment into a one-man show starring his self-proclaimed grandeur.
  • Dictionary Sales Skyrocket
    In response to Trump’s latest bombast, dictionary sales have reportedly surged. Americans across the nation are scouring the pages for definitions that could possibly explain what the heck Trump meant. Some say it’s a desperate quest for clarity; I say it’s a collective love affair with the absurd.
  • Twitter’s New Punching Bag
    Ah, social media – the public square for modern-day jesters to mock the king. Within minutes of Trump’s verbal escapade airing, Twitter became a battleground of wits, stacked with tweets firing off faster than a pre-caffeine insult from yours truly. It’s like open mic night for political satirists, and everyone’s invited.
  • Fact-Checkers on Overdrive
    The unsung heroes of our time – the fact-checkers – had their work cut out for them. With every Trump statement comes a wave of frantic Googling and cross-referencing, and this was no different. They’re trying to fact-check a statement that’s less reality and more…Trumpality?
  • Lexicographers in Despair
    Think about the poor lexicographers who now have to debate whether Trump’s new self-coined term deserves an entry into the dictionary. There’s nothing quite like watching linguistic purists struggle to maintain the integrity of the English language while debating the merits of political word salad.

The Counter

  • A New Chapter in Literature
    Can you imagine if we added every Trump gem to literary canon? Schools would need to replace literature with Trump Studies; Shakespeare and Hemingway relegated to the bargain bin, overshadowed by the Don’s neologisms.
  • Extra-Terrestrial Involvement?
    Aliens flipping through our TV channels must think Trump is performing an elaborate earthling courting ritual. It’s the only logical explanation they could have for why he says the things he does.
  • Presidential Library or Theme Park?
    The future Trump Presidential Library won’t need books – just a looping soundtrack of his grandiose declarations. Visitors can enjoy rides like the “Ego Coaster” and “The Carousel of Alternative Facts”.
  • Trumpian Language Courses
    Universities, get ready to offer Trumpian as a language course. It’ll be like Latin, only dead on arrival and twice as confusing. Linguists the world over will marvel at the complexity and sheer audacity of his lexical creations.
  • A Boost for International Relations
    As it turns out, Trump’s antics could serve as an accidental olive branch to other nations when their leaders can’t help but chuckle at the American political circus. Nothing says ‘world peace’ like shared laughter at the expense of politics.

The Hot Take

Now, if you want a liberal prescription to remedy this testament to Trump’s adjective-laden self-love, here it is: Laughter is the best medicine. We need to keep flexing our democratic muscles with the Chuckle-in-Chief leading the workout. Humor is a unifier, and in the grand tradition of court jesters, we’ve got to point out that the emperor’s new clothes are, indeed, nonexistent.

We need late-night monologues, not just monologs. The pen—and the punchline—is mightier than the sword in this battle of wits versus…well, “wit-ness.” So let’s keep scribbling in the margins of this political cartoon we call a government. After all, the real state of the union is one big, bipartisan belly laugh.

Source: Donald Trump’s New Self-Proclaimed Status Has People Reaching For Dictionaries

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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