Comeback Kids: ISIS Attempts to Make Terror Trendy Again

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The Details

So here we are again, staring into the abyss of another cheerful update from the world of international relations where ISIS decides it’s time for a comeback tour, because who doesn’t love a sequel, right? This nefarious band of militants, apparently dissatisfied with their previous record of chaos and destruction, are aiming to top the charts with a brand new release of terror – and really, it’s about as welcome as a migraine at a wine tasting. The article in question, behind the seemingly innocent pixels of The Daily Beast, paints a fresher, yet simultaneously age-old portrait of ISIS, who seems to think the world could really use more of what they’re offering. Spoiler alert: it can’t.

The Breakdown

  • Reviving a Classic: Because nothing says “vintage” like resurrecting a terror group that the world unanimously agreed was a terrible idea. The ‘reboot’ culture has finally seeped into terrorism, and unlike your favourite TV series from the ’80s making a comeback, this one doesn’t even have a catchy theme tune.

    • The article dives into the nitty-gritty of how ISIS, despite losing its caliphate and its so-called chief of operations, has managed to keep the hate train running on time. Disturbingly impressive, like a cockroach building a nuclear bunker.
  • New Management, Who Dis?: Just like any good corporation, ISIS went through a rebranding phase, because what’s more modern than a management shake-up? The new CEO of terror has a less than inspiring LinkedIn profile but is worryingly effective at his job.

    • The article gives a peek into the corporate ladder of terror where the new guy is sort of like the understudy who thought he’d never go on stage; only this stage involves explosives and not standing ovations. Not exactly Broadway material.
  • Loyalty Rewards Program: Loyalty is the new currency in the ISIS realm, and they seem to be offering some kind of frequent flyer miles for mayhem. The more chaos you create, the closer you get to that top-tier status. Disappointed they haven’t considered adding a free toaster after the first 10 bombings.

    • The article points out that ISIS is rather adept at maintaining allegiances across countries, with franchises bigger than your favorite fast-food chains—now with more explosive offers than a BOGO sale.
  • Trendsetters in Technology: Aren’t we all just proud of ISIS for getting on the tech bandwagon? Using all sorts of modern tools and apps makes them feel so… relatable. They’re just another group of millennials or Gen Z’ers making the most of technology – if the technology was designed to broadcast terror and not cat videos.

    • According to the article, they’re not just using these platforms for selfies and food pictures unless you count propaganda and encrypted messages as their form of avocado toast.
  • It’s Just a Phase: Everyone goes through a rough patch, a rebellious phase where they don’t quite know who they are. Most grow out of it, take up yoga, and go vegan. But no, ISIS decides to double down and really commit to the “world domination” aesthetic. It’s not just a phase, mom.

    • The article prompts us to consider the lengths ISIS is going through to rebuild its brand – think of it as re-opening a restaurant that gave everyone food poisoning but with the promise that this time it’ll be even more memorable.

The Counter

  • Blast from the Past: Who needs originality when you can bring back the classics? Vintage death and destruction are back in vogue. It’s so retro; next, they will be releasing vinyl records of their greatest hits – and by hits, I mean explosions.
  • A Glass Ceiling of Glass Shrapnel: ISIS not only breaks the glass ceiling but also shatters it into a million pieces that can harm innocent people. It’s not the kind of equal opportunity we were hoping for in the 21st century.
  • Job Creation in a Downturn Economy: With a global recession looming, at least ISIS is thinking about job creation. Terror jobs might not be the first choice for many, but hey, it’s an opening in a tight market.
  • The DIY Ethos Lives On: In the world of outsourcing, it’s heartwarming to see ISIS keeping things in-house. From recruitment to propaganda, it’s all about that homemade touch. Artisanal terror, if you will.
  • Marketing Geniuses: Behind the scenes, ISIS must have a stellar marketing team. If only they could channel that talent into something less destructive, like rejuvenating MySpace or bringing back Blockbuster.

The Hot Take

Here’s the hot, organic, non-GMO take: If we want to nip this in the bud, we need a global block party that’s less about bombs and more about bonding. We need to recycle their hate into hope and turn their training camps into communal gardens.

It’s time for the international community to cook up a vegan storm so compelling that even ISIS would want to swap their rifles for rakes and grow chickpeas instead of chaos. Let’s disarm them with diplomacy and outflank them with facts because, in the end, laughter may just be the only thing more infectious than their ideology.

Source: ISIS Is Back and Threatens to Be Deadlier Than Ever

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