Trump and Fox News: A Love Story More Confusing Than Your Last Tinder Date

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Whoa, hold on now! Isn’t it a remarkable day when Fox News, yes, the Fox News, starts leaning away from their golden boy, Donald Trump? Picture this: the guy who has had the network singing his praise for what feels like an eternity is now part the plot twist in his own melodrama.

When Trump isn’t tweeting, he’s doing what any rational leader would—hurling into a late-night meltdown. And why this sudden burst of nocturnal activity, you ask? Because even Fox News couldn’t sugarcoat it anymore. That’s right, folks, it’s like watching a soap opera where the villain starts to realize that the plot armor isn’t as thick as he thought it was.

So, there’s Trump on one side, tweeting away in a frenzy. And then there’s us, the viewers, watching the meltdown of a man who was once hailed as the flawless hero by his prime-time pals. Were they wrong? Were they late to their own news? Pull out the popcorn because this is where it gets deliciously ironic.

The network’s admission is about as subtle as a circus. It’s like finally acknowledging that water is wet or that storms indeed bring rain. Thank you for catching up with reality, folks—we’ve been waiting for you at the finish line!

Trump’s reaction to his favorite network’s betrayal is akin to discovering that Santa Claus isn’t real, live on public television. The shock, the horror, the outrage—it would be tragic if it weren’t so doggone funny. There’s nothing quite like the taste of your own medicine, or in this case, the bitter sip of truth served by your own cheerleaders.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the comedy gold mine that is Trump’s reactionary playbook. If splashing your thoughts on Twitter at 3 AM is presidential, then folks, my insomniac Uncle Al could run for office. He has opinions about daylight saving time that would stir less controversy and probably get more retweets.

Here’s the kicker, though. The man built his brand on being infallible, a sort of Teflon don who could do no wrong. Fox News turning even a shade cooler feels like watching the Ice Age come to the Sahara. It’s that dramatic. Or comedic, depending on your taste in theater.

And Fox News, bless their hearts, deciding enough is enough? That’s like watching someone finally declare the emperor has no clothes, only to realize he’s been streaking for years. It’s a slow clap moment that deserves an encore.

The real humor, however, lies not just in the meltdown itself, but in the scrambled attempts to regain footing. Think about it—a desperate rally to gather the scattered marbles, but darling, this floor is tilted. And the marbles just keep rolling.

When the dust settles, this will be remembered as the moment when the curtain was pulled back, revealing not the wizard, but a man frantically pounding away at a smartphone. The great and powerful Oz, indeed!

So here we stand, amused and mildly horrified, spectators at the unraveling of a narrative that was heavily scripted from the start. Plot holes? More like plot canyons, and buddy, they’re widening by the minute.

Let’s wrap this up before another sensational tweet drops. In this grand reality show we call U.S. politics, there’s always a plot twist waiting around the corner. And as for Fox News and their bombshell? Welcome to the show, folks. We’ve been expecting you.

Source: Donald Trump has late night meltdown after even Fox News admits he’s guilty

Margaret Mayakovsky is a tenacious independent writer dedicated to exposing the truth behind political and environmental issues. She remains unwavering in her pursuit of impactful stories. Her 20-year career embodies a fearless commitment to journalism, highlighting her resolve to hold the powerful accountable with her relentless writing.

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