When Fossil Fuels are Bae: Donald Trump’s Flammable Romance with Big Oil

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Alright, buckle up because we’re diving into Donald Trump’s tea party with Big Oil, and boy, does it get greasier than a fast-food joint’s kitchen during a Friday night rush! If you think politics makes strange bedfellows, then Trump and Big Oil are like a match made in an environmentalist’s worst nightmare.

Trump and Big Oil: A Love Story More Toxic Than the Sludge They Adore

Donald Trump’s ties to Big Oil are not just regular affiliations; they’re the kind where you stick together thicker than crude oil on a seagull. It’s no surprise that while the rest of the world is waking up to solar panels and wind turbines, Trump is over there whispering sweet nothings to oil barrels.

What’s terrifying isn’t just his blatant lean towards fossil fuels, it’s the audacity with which he does it. The guy treats renewable energy like it’s a passing fad at best, like skinny jeans or democracy. The rollback of environmental regulations under his watch? Oh, it was a field day for emissions! The air got so thick you could almost chew it. Delicious, if you’re a carbon molecule.

He boasts about “energy independence” as if he’s the hero saving us from foreign oil overlords, while conveniently glossing over the part where switching to renewable energy could also achieve that. But hey, why go green when black gold fills the coffers just fine, right?

Promises Thinner Than the Ozone Layer He’s Helping to Deplete

Trump promised jobs, growth, and prosperity, all on the back of an industry that’s like, “Fine, I guess I’ll innovate… when I’m dead.” And yet, in Trump’s America, coal and oil are apparently the hip retro stuff we should all go back to. Renewables? Those are just for tree-huggers and kale smoothie enthusiasts.

His administration was like a reunion tour for fossil fuels. Meanwhile, renewable energy, which actually creates more jobs than the coal industry, stood on the sidelines waving its hands, wondering when it gets to play. It’s like being at a party and only serving stale chips. Come on, throw in a couple of avocado toasts and see the crowd cheer!

When the Sea Levels Rise, At Least Trump’s Relationships Float

One could argue, maybe Trump is just misunderstood, right? Maybe beneath that tough, oil-streaked exterior beats the heart of a man who truly cares about America’s energy future. And maybe monkeys might fly out of my well-pressed trousers.

Let’s face it: Trump’s environmental policies weren’t about helping the average Joe or Jane. They were about padding the wallets of his oily buddies, the guys who think ‘drill, baby, drill’ is sound ecological advice. If climate change were a movie, Trump’s policies would be the comic relief – tragically hilarious and misplaced.

The only green Trump likely cares about is the kind printed on money. As seas rise and hurricanes pound our coasts, at least we know Trump’s friendships in the oil industry will stay afloat. It’s good to have priorities, isn’t it?

Green Energy: Not Just for the ‘Liberal Elites’

What’s wild is that investing in green energy makes sense from all angles – environmental, economic, you name it! Clean energy jobs could be as American as apple pie and baseball, but nope, we’re sticking with good ol’ oil because… tradition? It’s like clinging to your favorite pair of underwear long after they’ve become a threadbare disaster. Sentimental, but not particularly smart or sightly.

So, as we look at Trump’s oily escapades, remember this: the world moves forward, with or without you. And sticking with oil in the era of renewable energy is like showing up to a smartphone convention with a pager. Quaint, but hopelessly out of touch.

So the next time you hear about Trump and Big Oil cozying up, remember, it’s not just politics and profit; it’s a comedy sketch that writes itself, only the joke’s on us. And the punchline? Well, it’s not exactly renewable.

Source: Opinion: Trump’s Ties to Big Oil Just Got Even More Terrifying

Margaret Mayakovsky is a tenacious independent writer dedicated to exposing the truth behind political and environmental issues. She remains unwavering in her pursuit of impactful stories. Her 20-year career embodies a fearless commitment to journalism, highlighting her resolve to hold the powerful accountable with her relentless writing.

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