Executive Jailhouse Rock: Has America Missed a Chart-Topper?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The world watches with bated breath, and probably a bag of popcorn, as America wrestles with the idea of prosecuting a former head of state. Oh, the drama, the action, the endless news cycle! As outlined by the insightful keystrokes over at Daily Kos, other democracies have crossed this river, put their ex-leaders in a canoe, and watched them navigate the rapids of justice—or at least, have them do the perp walk. The principle here is simple: holding power doesn’t mean you get to wear the Teflon suit forever. Now, shall we dive into the juicy bits, the flesh on the bones of this rather skeletal concept?

The Breakdown

  • Unprecedented Precedents: Democracies around the globe, in their not-so-infinite wisdom, occasionally dabble in the art of the legal smackdown on former numero unos. But in the US, where executive privilege is apparently more layered than my Aunt Mildred’s lasagna, taking such bold action is akin to a unicorn sighting.

    • Specifying, across the pond and down the road, nobility in office isn’t exactly a ‘get out of jail free’ card. Some countries have made it clear that carving laws doesn’t make one immune—turns out, shockingly, that the ink in the pen of justice runs for all.

  • A Badge of Irony: It appears there’s a new status symbol for country clubs around the world: the indicted ex-authoritarian badge. Some American leaders look at it and go, “Where can I get one of those? Vintage, right?” The article suggests we’re missing out on the latest trend in political accessories.

    • And it’s not just a pretty piece of metal—you could get entire outfits designed to match. Orange might be the new black for American politicos if they decide to follow international trends.

  • Due Process or Don’t Process: To paraphrase a certain TV personality, “if the democracy doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” The U.S. prides itself on rule of law, yet hesitates to tie the hands of those who once held the presidential pen—and possibly used it to draw all over the Constitution.

    • It’s like watching a Tom & Jerry episode where Tom is armed with executive power, and Jerry is the embodiment of legal consequences, constantly dodging the mousetrap of accountability.

  • Justice or Just Ice? In the U.S., Lady Justice might be on an extended frosty break when it comes to former leaders. Perhaps she’s binging on Netflix rather than weighing scales and honestly, who can blame her with this year’s lineup?

    • The call to action isn’t a call to pitchforks; it’s a call to that quaint old notion of impartial justice. Sounds adorably retro, doesn’t it?

  • The Perfect Answer to a Trivia Question: One day, Trivial Pursuit will ask, “What did American leaders escape that many other world leaders did not?” And the answer, in the limited edition “Democracy” pack, will be, “Accountability.”

    • Bonus round includes: “How many times can executive privilege be cited in response to a subpoena?” Spoiler: it’s a lot.

The Counter

  • Leaders, They’re Just Like Us! Only Not: Former leaders getting prosecuted? They are VIPs (Very Important Prisoners), exempt from accountability, because clearly, some animals are more equal than others.

    • They dodge legal bullets like Neo in “The Matrix” but with less leather and more subpoena.

  • Executive Immunity Booster: How could an ex-leader possibly do hard time? They’ve got more immunity than a germaphobe in flu season after chugging the entire stock of vitamin C.

    • Pro tip: If ever in legal trouble, just claim you once ran a country. Instant cloak of invisibility!

  • A Wrist Slap, Max: Democracy’s naughty step isn’t really meant for those with presidential monograms on their towels, right? At most, they get a firm wag of the finger, maybe two, depending on the political climate.

    • The equivalent of telling a toddler not to do the thing while handing them a lollipop.

  • Selective Memory Syndrome: America has a particular case of amnesia when recollecting misdeeds of past chieftains. Perhaps it’s less a case of forgetting and more an episode of selective memory…for the sake of ‘national unity.’

    • Someone should really make those “I’m with Stupid” shirts but for political parties.

  • The Too Big To Jail Theory: If financial institutions can be too big to fail, then surely people can be too big to jail. It’s a size issue, you see, not a moral one.

    • We print their faces on money! It would be rude to put them behind bars.

The Hot Take

Now, let’s set our sarcasm dials to scorching: If we truly want to be the land of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then maybe, just maybe, it’s time to live up to our own standards. Accountability shouldn’t be a menu option for the rich and powerful; it’s the whole darn restaurant.

It’s time we give Lady Justice her show back, pull the plug on the Netflix, and politely request she places those scales where the sun does, indeed, shine. And who knows? It may just make the base for an interesting new reality TV show—”Big House, Bigger Egos”.

Source: Other democracies prosecute their ex-leaders. Trump should be no exception

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