Rowling in the Deep: When Authors Tweet, The World Weeps

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Can someone explain to me, in small words so I can really get it, how we’re still battling with the same old recycled rubbish from influential people who seriously need a hobby? It’s not even Christmas yet, and I’ve already received the gift of mind-bending, backwards thinking from none other than J.K. Rowling. Honestly, I’d prefer socks.

So, J.K., the pen behind the wizard boy who lived, seems to have missed the memo that the world is actually trying to progress and not regress back to the Stone Age. It’s gotten so outlandish that even Elon Musk, the guy who named his kid after a WiFi password, thinks it’s too much! Yeah, that’s right. When Elon Musk is the voice of reason, you know you’ve lost the plot.

Imagine Hogwarts sending out acceptance letters, except they’re just for making sure everyone knows how much you despise inclusivity. Welcome to Hogwarts, where the magic of tolerance vanishes faster than my will to live when I listen to politicians speak.

Why must we endure this rerun of the bad parts of history?

Now let’s set the sorting hat on society’s head for a second. Instead of houses, you get sorted into who can joke about whom and who can be outraged by what. And trust me, the outrage house is way overcrowded, and their common room is just a room full of mirrors where they complain about reflections.

But let’s get back to Rowling and her link-up with Musk in this bizarre episode of celebrity “Who Can Say the Most Outlandish Thing”. It seems Rowling has confused her platform with a pulpit, except this pulpit spreads less about love and understanding and more about, well, the opposite. And Musk? I guess when you’re not planning to colonize Mars or revolutionizing road rage with Tesla, you dab into a bit of social media philosophy, because why not?

Is it so hard to stick to fiction, folks?

The real magic, J.K., is not that you’ve written a world-renowned series but that you’ve managed to alienate even the most loyal fans by confusing Twitter with your personal diary. Here’s a tip: maybe write under a pseudonym on social media too. Call yourself AnythingButRowling so at least your tweets don’t taint the taste of Butterbeer worldwide.

And as for everyone watching this dumpster fire and throwing in their two cents, remember this: when you’ve got billionaires and best-selling authors sparring over who is the most backward, nobody wins. It’s like watching two bald men fight over a comb.

But hey, let’s keep it light, right? We’re only dealing with real people’s lives and identities. No big deal. Let’s crack jokes, make laws that stomp on rights, and never, ever evolve. Sounds like a plan. A terrible, no good, very bad plan, but a plan nonetheless.

What do we do then, you ask?

First, stop using famous people as your moral compass. If your ship is being steered by someone whose best qualification is being able to write about teenage wizards or tossing cars into space, you might want to reconsider your captains.

Second, let’s laugh a bit more at the absurdity of being outraged by someone wanting to be who they are, because honestly, the joke’s on us for entertaining the nonsense. Remember, every time an author tweets, a fact doesn’t just die; it’s murdered brutally in front of its family.

And finally, for the love of all that is funny, can we find some new material? This whole “celebrities saying ridiculous things” bit is worn out. We need a new schtick. Maybe something with aliens. At least they won’t make fuss when someone writes a book about them.

We’ve seen better days, folks, but hey, at least we’re still able to laugh at the calamity. And remember, if you can’t find anything to laugh about, you’re probably not paying attention. Or maybe just read the news without your glasses.

Source: J.K. Rowling Is So Transphobic Even Elon Musk Wants Her to Shut Up

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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