cheerful smiling nuns

The Twelve Commandments: Thou Shalt Not Kill, Except When Owning Firearm Stocks

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Source: Nuns buy Smith & Wesson shares, then sue to stop production of AR-style rifles

Nuns Buy Smith & Wesson Shares, Then Sue to Stop Production of AR-Style Rifles


In a display of pure irony, a group of Catholic nuns has purchased shares in firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson only to turn around and sue the company, demanding the halt of AR-style rifle production. Unlikely bedfellows, the Sisters of Nonviolence are now taking legal action against the very entity they chose to invest in. Truly a masterclass in contradiction!

Key Points

  • The Sisters of Nonviolence, a group of devout Catholic nuns, have acquired shares in Smith & Wesson, a well-known firearms manufacturer.
  • Demonstrating their commitment to pacifism and anti-gun sentiments, the nuns have filed a lawsuit against Smith & Wesson, arguing for the cessation of AR-style rifle production.
  • The Sisters of Nonviolence claim that the sale of these rifles contributes to gun violence and goes against their religious beliefs.
  • The lawsuit is seen as a strategic move by the nuns to leverage their stock ownership and prompt change in the firearms industry.

Counter Points:

  • Because nothing says “nun-like” more than investing in a gun manufacturer.
  • It’s truly impressive how these nuns managed to maintain their peaceful image while directly benefiting from the production of the very weapons they wish to end.
  • Perhaps Smith & Wesson should have taken their shareholders’ moral compasses into account before mass producing firearms. Oh wait, they’re a corporation – silly us for expecting ethics!

Hot Take

In a story that sounds like something straight out of a Monty Python sketch, the Sisters of Nonviolence have managed to combine the worlds of faith and firearms in a truly unexpected manner. Who would have thought that investing in a weapons manufacturer would be the best way to promote nonviolence? While their intentions may be noble, it’s hard for outsiders not to see the irony in this situation. The saying goes, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” but apparently, the nuns have a different approach – biting the hand they purposely nourished.

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