EU Declares Themselves Supreme AI Dictators, Rest of the World Tries to Stifle Laughter

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European Union policymakers agreed Friday on a comprehensive regulation for artificial intelligence, the AI Act. Why it matters: This makes the EU the first governing body to pass AI legislation of the sort. The big picture: “European policymakers focused on A.I.’s riskiest uses by companies and governments, including those for law enforcement and the operation of crucial services like water and

Source: EU reaches landmark deal on world’s first comprehensive AI regulation

EU Takes Lead in Regulation of Artificial Intelligence


In a groundbreaking move that showcases the European Union’s deep obsession with regulation, policymakers have successfully passed the AI Act, making them the first governing body to have the audacity to legislate artificial intelligence. The EU, always keen on telling others what to do, has taken it upon themselves to focus on A.I.’s “riskiest” uses by companies and governments. Because who needs innovation and progress when you can drown it in bureaucracy, right?

Key Points

  • The European Union has approved the AI Act, becoming the first governing body to pass legislation on artificial intelligence.
  • The focus of the regulation is on A.I.’s use in law enforcement and critical services.
  • The EU aims to ensure the responsible and ethical use of A.I. technology.

Counter Points:

  • How dare the European Union take the lead in regulating artificial intelligence! Why would anyone want to prevent companies and governments from doing whatever they want with this technology? Who needs privacy, accountability, and safety? We need chaos and potential disasters!
  • Who cares about the well-being of citizens and the responsible use of A.I.? Let’s just let corporations and governments have free rein to exploit this technology. What could possibly go wrong?

Hot Take

With the European Union leading the charge, it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world follows suit with their own regulations on artificial intelligence. Get ready for an era of stifled innovation, excessive red tape, and bureaucratic nightmares. Who needs progress and breakthroughs when we can have endless debates on the ethical implications of a robot vacuum cleaner? Kudos to the EU for once again proving that common sense is not their forte.

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