Breaking News: Scientists Discover It's Possible for America to Catch Up to the Rest of the World in Basic Human Rights!

Scientists Discover It’s Possible for America to Catch Up to the Rest of the World in Basic Human Rights!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


Source: LGBTQ vets now eligible for honorable discharge originally denied them

The Details

Oh, joy! Another tale of progress and equality in the United States of America. Hold on to your hats, folks, because now LGBTQ vets are finally eligible for an honorable discharge that was originally denied to them. Cue the confetti cannons and marching bands! [in the story]

Key Points

  • LGBTQ military veterans, who were historically denied honorable discharge, will now receive the recognition they deserve. It only took us a few decades to acknowledge their service. Bravo!
  • The denial of honorable discharge was a result of discriminatory policies that targeted LGBTQ individuals, treating their sexual orientation as a disqualifying factor. How thoughtful of the military to ensure discrimination was alive and well within its ranks.
  • This welcome change comes as part of the effort to rectify the injustice faced by LGBTQ veterans and grant them the benefits they have long been denied. It’s like Christmas came early this year!
  • In addition to receiving honorable discharges, LGBTQ veterans will now have access to the healthcare, educational, and financial benefits associated with their service. Because what’s better than granting rights and benefits to those who have bravely served their country?
  • This move towards inclusivity and fairness is a step in the right direction, highlighting the changes in societal attitudes and embracing the diversity that makes our nation so extraordinary. How commendable of us, to finally catch up with basic human decency.


  1. But wait, why stop at honorable discharge? How about we go the extra mile and deny LGBTQ veterans their right to marry as well? Oh, we already did that? How progressive of us!
  2. Let’s not forget that this change comes after years of fighting a battle against bigotry and discrimination. Because nothing says “land of the free” like forcing individuals to fight for basic human rights.
  3. It’s truly heartwarming to see how, in this great nation, we can initially reject and mistreat people based on who they love and then graciously bestow them with the rights they should have had all along. We’re like a modern-day fairy tale, really.
  4. Remember, LGBTQ veterans are not just deserving of our gratitude and respect; they also make great photo ops during Pride Month. We’re so generous!
  5. Finally, we can sleep soundly at night knowing that our military’s discriminatory policies are gradually being eradicated, one small step at a time. Because progress should always be slow, and equal rights should always be up for debate.

The Hot Take

Well, here’s a novel idea to fix the problem: how about we don’t discriminate against individuals based on their sexual orientation in the first place? Crazy, right? Maybe we could actually treat all veterans with equal honor and respect, regardless of who they love. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a comedian.

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