Trump Swears He Can End Wars Faster Than His Business Deals Go South

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


Source: ‘Very dangerous’: Zelensky on Trump’s claim he could end Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours

The Details

Oh boy, strap in everyone, because we’re about to dive headfirst into a pool of international diplomacy, ego-measuring contests, and who could forget, the classic, time-honored tradition of solving complex geopolitical conflicts over a cup of joe—or in this case, a Trumpian tweet.

Apparently, our former Commander in Chief and perpetually self-assured dealmaker, Donald Trump, has declared he can wrap up the whole Russia-Ukraine snafu in less time than it takes to bingewatch a season of “The Apprentice.” Yes, you heard it right. POTUS 45 threw down the gauntlet, insisting he could have withered away the entire war within 24 Earth hours, a notion that had Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky just short of rolling on the floor laughing—if it wasn’t so “very dangerous.”

So let’s jump into the thick of it and unpack why Trump’s armchair generalship is raising a few eyebrows and even more questions.

The Breakdown

  • Bullet the First: The Art of the Deal Goes Global:

    • Trump sure knows how to sell it. I mean, who needs years of diplomacy and nuanced strategy when you can have peace in a day? That’s some prime Amazon Prime mentality right there—free two-day shipping, but for world peace.
  • Bullet the Second: The Trump Time Machine:

    • Can we take a moment to marvel at Trump’s relationship with time? It’s like he possesses a Delorean parked just outside the Oval Office. Anyone else offering next-day peace delivery must be living in 3017 while we’re stuck in 2023.
  • Bullet the Third: The Ultimate Reality Show:

    • Let’s face it: this is television gold. The pitch? A former reality show host turned president says he can negotiate a ceasefire faster than Domino’s guarantees your pizza delivery. I’d tune in, wouldn’t you?
  • Bullet the Fourth: The Zelensky Side-Eye:

    • Watching Zelensky react to Trump’s claim is better than any sitcom. I imagine him doing spit-takes with his morning coffee. The audacity, the sheer confidence—it’s like watching a toddler tell LeBron how to dunk.
  • Bullet the Fifth: Euphemism for Days:

    • Trump’s bold claim is the political equivalent of saying, “I can eat just one chip.” It’s a nice thought, champ, but we all know you’re ending up with an empty family-sized bag on your lap and crumbs on your shirt.

The Counter

  • Counterpoint the First: The Diplomat of Queens:

    • Who are we to doubt The Donald? After all, Trump did once hold a meeting with Kim Jong-un, resulting in a friendship thicker than the plot of a daytime soap opera. The heartwarming reality TV bromance we never asked for.
  • Counterpoint the Second: Who Needs Experts?

    • Forget about military advisors and foreign policy experts. Trump’s got this. Who cares about decades of experience when you’ve run the Miss Universe pageant? Miss Congeniality awards have to count for something in peace talks.
  • Counterpoint the Third: Time Constraints are a Myth:

    • Clearly, he’s onto something with this 24-hour promise. Einstein’s theory of relativity must have had a hidden clause about Trump-time—it’s like dog years, but for diplomacy.
  • Counterpoint the Fourth: Fake News Foiled Again:

    • Maybe Trump’s bravado is just too high-concept for the mainstream media. They’re probably just confused by his 4D chess moves. Thankfully, we have Twitter to keep us all informed and grounded in reality.
  • Counterpoint the Fifth: War, What Is It Good For?

    • Exactly! Who needs war when you can have Trump’s patented boardroom banter? Legendary peace deals are just one stern, pouty-faced negotiation away. The only casualty? Take your pick of norms, institutions, or relationships with allies.

The Hot Take

Okay, let’s serve this hot take like the pumpkin spice lattes in October—flavored with liberal amounts of optimism and nutmeg-scented privilege. The world’s knottiest issues clearly need a sprinkle of Trump’s simplistic magic—but wait! Instead of just one

Trump, let’s clone an army of Trump negotiators, each promising to fix a world problem within 24 hours. Politics aside, imagine the savings on the State Department’s budget! Who needs embassies when you’ve got Trump Tower on speed dial? But let’s be real—our best bet for achieving world peace might just lie in an aggressive campaign to spread laughter, prosperity, and universal healthcare. Because at the end of the day, when the jokes and sarcasm subside, we all want a safe and sane world to wake up to—even if we have to survive the absurdity of 24-hour peace plans broadcasted via Twitter.

Jared Mejia: A decade in the trenches of political writing for many outlets. Master of translating political doubletalk into snarky English. Wields sarcasm and caffeine with equal proficiency, slicing through spin with a razor-sharp wit.

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