Wall Street CEOs Warming to Trump. In Other News, Wall Street Guys Are A-Holes

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


Source: The CEOs Are Warming to Trump

The Details

Let’s dive into a world where logic takes a backseat, and the CEOs cozy up to a president whose approach to diplomacy is like playing Jenga during an earthquake. In a turn of events that’ll make your moral compass spin like a fidget spinner in the hands of a hyperactive child, the high lords of Wall Street are adding Trump 2024 bumper stickers to their limos. Why, you ask? Maybe it’s the same reason people think licking a frozen pole in winter is a good idea—because hindsight is a luxury that apparently comes with selective amnesia.

The Breakdown

  • Making It Rain on Wall Street: Trump’s tax cuts had CEOs crying tears of joy, and now they’re reminiscent of the good ol’ days when their bank accounts bulged as fast as the polar ice caps melted. Because nothing says ‘economic genius’ like cutting revenue sources during a golden age of budget deficits.

    Specifics: Just imagine Scrooge McDuck diving into his money bin, except it’s a CEO and it’s your pension funds he’s swimming in.

  • Deregulate to Greatness: The sweet, sweet sound of shredding regulations must’ve been like music to their ears. Why worry about safeguards when you can have a bonfire with them and roast marshmallows in the form of small bills?

    Specifics: Environmental protections? Financial oversight? I’m sorry, we thought this was America, not some bureaucratic nanny state where companies have to think about boring things like ‘consequences’ and ‘long-term sustainability.’

  • Trade Wars: A New (Profit) Hope: Nothing says stable like instigating trade wars that have the predictability of a squirrel on energy drinks. The CEOs must love a good gamble – especially when the chips are someone else’s retirement plans.

    Specifics: Farmers watching their soybeans rot in the fields at least got a lesson in sacrifice for the greater good—or was it for the quarterly earnings? Who remembers!

  • Oh, the Irony: Watching Trump on TV was like some of us watching horror movies—peeping through the fingers while yelling, ‘Don’t go in there!’ But the CEOs were apparently watching a rom-com, rooting for the billionaire with a heart of coal.

    Specifics: It’s the classic story of love lost and found: corporate America broke up with Trump after the Capitol siege, but who can resist that old flame when it whispers sweet nothings about tax cuts?

  • Tech Titans Treading Water: Even the Silicon Valley crowd plays the game. Sure, they’ll virtue signal with their energy-efficient campuses and diverse emojis till the cows come home, but if deregulation boosts that stock price, they’ll swipe right faster than a lonely heart on Tinder.

    Specifics: Ethical quandaries are so much easier to deal with when you’re watching your net worth climb faster than Spider-Man on a skyscraper.

The Counter

  • Tax Cuts or Bust: Who needs public services or infrastructure? Certainly not anyone with a private jet and a second home in the Bahamas. After all, why use public roads when you can fly above them?

    Sarcasm Level: Neutron Star Density

  • Regulations are for the Little People: Picture a world where corporations act in the public interest without being told to. Now come back to reality where self-regulation works as well as an umbrella in a hurricane.

    Sarcasm Level: Poking a Bear

  • Trade Wars are Easy to Win: Especially when you don’t worry about the casualties. Like a game of Risk in the boardroom, let’s move those troops and watch the numbers go up, down, and sideways.

    Sarcasm Level: Juggling Chainsaws

  • Consistency is Overrated: Political alliances are like seasonal fashion—it’s smart to have a winter coat AND a summer bikini in your closet. Hedge your bets, hedge your funds.

    Sarcasm Level: A Mob Boss at Confession

  • Tech Bros’ Moral Compass: Always pointing to the North. As long as ‘North’ is defined as ‘wherever the profits flow,’ and the compass is made of conflict-free gold, we’re all set.

    Sarcasm Level: Black Hole Event Horizon

The Hot Take

Deep breaths, everyone, because the fix is as simple as teaching a goldfish quantum physics. All we need is a little regulation tango – dance close enough to make it look like you care, but don’t step on any toes, or you’ll ruin the party. Let’s tax with a purpose, because public goods are, shockingly, good for the public. Maybe sprinkle a little love for fair trade and lead a slow clap for consistency in values. It’s about stitching America back together with more than just a Twitter thread.

And hey, if all else fails, form a committee—a really, really sarcastic committee—to oversee the CEOs playing in their sandbox. They can throw around words like accountability and social responsibility while the adults in the room try not to laugh. Oh, the fun we’ll have.

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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