Make America Migrate Again: The Great Exit Strategy

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

You’ve tuned into another jaw-dropping episode of the American political thriller, and this time, we’ve got ourselves a doozy of a headline. It seems that a flock of Trump critics are dusting off their suitcases and shopping for real estate in decidedly less orange pastures. Why, you ask? Because the mere notion of Trump clinching the presidency again is scarier to them than a vegan at a rib festival. That’s right, the potential of a second Trump term has some folks planning their own personal Brexit, possibly fearing that their favorite liberal coffee shops will be turned into oil drilling sites or their yoga studios into gun ranges.

The Breakdown

  1. The Exodus Plan – Critics are so terrified of Trump’s return they’re plotting escapes faster than rats from a sinking ship. Because nothing screams ‘commitment to democratic principles’ like bolting at the first sign of trouble.

    • Sure, standing and fighting for your beliefs is noble, but have you tried fleeing to Canada where the biggest political scandal is someone speaking English in Quebec?
  2. Retribution Phobia – The fear of retaliation is tangible, like being caught at a vegan potluck with a Big Mac. But really, who expects retribution from a man known for his gentle and forgiving nature?

    • They’re probably just overreacting. After all, it’s not like peaceful protestors have ever been cleared out with tear gas for a photo op before, right?
  3. Sanity Check – Somehow, these critics claim their mental health can’t take another Trump term. Imagine having your sense of well-being tied to the guy running the show. That’s as stable as a game of Jenga in an earthquake.

    • Mental note: Start investing in pharmaceuticals specializing in anti-anxiety meds.
  4. Immigration Ironic Twist – The critics, once champions of open borders, are now looking to cross them like they’re competing in the political Hunger Games.

    • We’ve come full circle when Trump critics turn into the immigrants they’ve always defended, queuing at the border with a ‘please let me in’ face.
  5. Dystopian Daydreams – Trump’s potential presidency reboot is painted as the precursor to a real-life dystopia, complete with a Big Brother-esque vibe and Twitter tirades dictating policy.

    • Because who needs novels like “1984” when you can live the sequel in real time?

The Counter

  1. Stay and Sway – Instead of running for the hills, critics could just stay and attempt to actually impact change. Plus, if Trump does win, think of the stand-up material!

    • Oh, the skits we’ll write; the Saturday Night Live episodes we’ll have to endure.
  2. Diversity Acceptance – Embrace the pluralism of America – where every voice, no matter how… unique… is heard, even if it’s via all-caps tweets at 3 AM.

    • It’s like a never-ending game of “Who Wants To Be A Presidential Millionaire,” but no one wins a million dollars.
  3. Therapy for All – Mental health is vital, but you don’t need to leave the country. Just create a nationwide group therapy session. Call it “Democracy Anonymous.”

    • “Hi, I’m an American, and it’s been four years since I last felt politically secure.”
  4. Borderline Humor – If critics do dash off, ensure border agents are trained in the irony of the situation. Provide a sympathy pamphlet titled “So You’re Seeking Asylum from the Land of the Free?”

    • Complete with a coupon for 10% off your first Maple Syrup purchase in Canada.
  5. Utopian Dreams – Instead of fearing a dystopian future, use that imagination to craft a utopia. Let’s start simple; a country where everyone agrees on the pronunciation of ‘GIF.’

    • Or a bipartisan bill on the acceptable number of exclamation marks in official documents.

The Hot Take

In the smoldering ashes of the debate fires, let’s not forget the ultimate ice bucket challenge we could take on. Instead of shopping for winter coats for the Canadian wilderness or building an underground lair, maybe – just maybe – we get a little crazy and try something radical… like engaging in the political process.

Rally the troops, raise the banners of common sense and choose progress over panic. And hey, if all else fails, we can always find solace in crafting bitter comedy sketches, because let’s face it, laughter is the best medicine when the healthcare system is on the brink.

It’s tough out there, but chin up, campers. The world hasn’t ended just yet, and there’s plenty of work to do. So let’s roll up our sleeves, sharpen our wits, and prepare to laugh in the face of adversity – or at the very least, tweet satirically at it.

Source: Trump critics fear retribution if he’s re-elected, some ‘planning to leave the country’

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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