Lively Up Yourself, Endocrine Society: It’s Time For a Tune-Up

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

In an utterly shocking twist that nobody saw coming—well, except perhaps anyone who’s been awake for the past decade—the Endocrine Society has decided to take a gander at their clinical guidelines for gender-affirming care. Yes, folks, it’s true. In a move that’s bound to ruffle some feathers—or sequins, depending on the closet you’re coming out of—the Society is revisiting their take on healthcare practices that make a world of difference to transgender and gender-diverse individuals. They’re taking a deep dive into the science, probably armed with snorkels and those fancy water wings, to ensure everything’s current, effective, and, dare we say, considerate of actual human lives?

The Breakdown

  • The “We’re Just Being Thorough” Excuse: Apparently, the Endocrine Society has decided it’s time for a little reflection. Sure, instead of internal meditation or yoga, this means reexamining guidelines that could change lives. After all, what’s a few more years of debate in the grand arena of science?
  • The “Science Evolves, So Why Rush?” Dramedy: You know, science isn’t a race. It’s not like people’s lives and identities are hanging in the balance. Oh wait, they are? Well, we wouldn’t want to rush these incredibly slow-growing guidelines. They’re not avocados.
  • The Side-eye to the Binary System: Apparently, the binary gender system is so last millennium that even the Endocrine Society couldn’t ignore its glaring “I’m too old for this” vibes. Updating guidelines is acknowledging that one-size-fits-all is a myth, and my hat size confirms it.
  • The “We Promise We’re Inclusive” Mantra: It’s like watching someone finally clean their room after years, and finding out there are more than two places to stick your stuff. The Society’s emphasis on inclusivity is the scientific equivalent of finding a lost episode of “Queer Eye” under your bed.
  • The Politics Tango: And of course, it’s not a true public health discourse without a little side step with politics. Because everyone knows that healthcare policies make the best dance partners. Especially when they step on your toes with every other beat.

The Counter

  • “Let’s Not Get Hasty Now” Argument: Who needs immediate action when you can drag something out? By the time we get new guidelines, they’ll be vintage – and you know vintage is always in style.
  • The “What Do Scientists Know?” Retort: Sure, these are the folks that study this for a living, but come on! Shouldn’t we wait for a celebrity to tweet about it before we make any moves?
  • The “It’s Just a Phase” Theory: Everybody loves a good throwback, especially to those times when people chalked up real identity to being a phase. Let’s just sit back and wait for everyone to grow out of it like my emo phase.
  • The “Change is Scary” Defense: Change? Who does that? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Except, of course, when it is broken. And discriminatory. And outdated. But other than that…
  • The “Shrug and Pass the Responsibility” Technique: It’s always more fun to let future generations handle it. What’s a bit more anticipation in the long, arduous quest for basic human rights?

The Hot Take

Now, as your neighborhood ‘person-who-actually-gives-a-damn’, I’d say the liberal fix to this debacle is simple: oh, I dunno, maybe listen to the people who are actually affected by these policies? Wild thought, right? But, here’s the kicker. Make it snappy. Like, “We have the technology to send people to space, but can’t update healthcare guidelines faster than a glacier” kind of snappy. Let’s fine-tune those old-timey policies with the grace and precision of a RuPaul runway walk—it’s got flair, it’s progressive, and honey, it is life-saving.

And while we’re at it, why not throw in a little compassion with our policies? Revolutionary, I tell ya. An outlandish concept that common care, concern, and action might just make the world a better place. Care for your fellow humans—now that’s a hot take that’s too spicy for some to handle.

Source: Endocrine Society reexamining clinical guidelines for gender-affirming care: Report

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