Truth Social’s Exclusive New Club: The Screwed Over Co-Founders

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

In the latest twist that’s as shocking as a sunrise, the Don of digital discourse apparently has thrown a curveball at his own patriots. The co-founders of Truth Social, the social platform birthed out of a raging desire to combat the so-called Big Tech tyranny, are crying foul over getting the short end of the stick from Trump.

And there you were, thinking that a platform sturdily built upon the unshakable foundations of ‘free speech’ and ‘making social media great again’ would carry the torch of trust and fair play. Grab your popcorn and your favorite disbelief-face, as we dive deeper into a saga of betrayal where promises seem to be about as sturdy as a house of cards in a tornado.

The Breakdown

  • Founding Fathers Forgotten?
    Just when you thought being a founding father meant you get your face carved into a mountain, it turns out it might just get you ghosted by your own brainchild. The architects of Trump’s utopian social sphere claim that they’ve been pushed out of the very Eden they helped create. Irony noted and appreciated.
  • Stocks and Sorrow
    You know that warm, fuzzy feeling when you get stock options in a company that’s about to skyrocket? Yeah, neither do the Truth Social co-founders. Reportedly, the stocks promised to them have turned into the equivalent of monopoly money — plentiful but, alas, utterly useless.
  • Boardroom Blues
    Oh, to be a fly on the boardroom wall, where the co-founders expected to harmoniously conduct the orchestra of free speech, only to find out they were uninvited to the symphony. Apparently, their seats at the table have been given to the invisible men: what a beautiful way to underscore transparency in management!
  • A Digital Desolation
    Picture this: a digital wasteland where tweets go to die and the echoes of ‘free speech‘ resound across empty hallways. It’s a vision our protagonists didn’t see coming as they were allegedly left to tumbleweeds and silence when reaching out for a dialogue with their former champion.
  • Contracts, Schmontracts
    In a world where a handshake means more than a signature, these forlorn co-founders are learning that some handshakes are more like mirages. The holy contract — aka the paperwork, for the layman — appears to have been relegated to the status of bathroom reading material.

The Counter

  • “But Trump is a Business Genius!”
    As sure as rain is wet and fire is hot, the business acumen of the man who once had his own board game is unassailable. Clearly, playing 4D chess means co-founders are just pawns, right?
  • “They’re Just Ungrateful!”
    Imagine providing someone with the opportunity to bask in your magnificent entrepreneurial shadow and all they do is whine about ‘fairness’ and ‘promises.’ The nerve of some people!
  • “This is Just Big Tech Propaganda!”
    Don’t we all know by now that any problem faced by Truth Social must be a planted story by Big Tech cronies to sabotage this haven of free speech? The script writes itself!
  • “They Knew the Risks!”
    Surely these tech enthusiasts knew the golden rule of startups: expect to be shafted. It’s all part of the Silicon Valley charm and certainly part of the startup grind.
  • “Freedom Isn’t Free!”
    There’s a cost to unfettered speech and a platform safe from the pesky clutches of fact-checkers, and if the cost is a few betrayed founders, so be it — collateral damage in the war on censorship.

The Hot Take

Let’s don the liberal cap and look at solutions through tear-stained rainbow lenses: how can we possibly mend this heartbreak? First off, let’s preach about ethical business practices while twirling our organically grown mustaches. Transparency should be more than a buzzword used in corporate pep talks; it should be inserted into the core software running Truth Social.

Next, throw in a pinch of socialism because, why not, and mandate that every employee gets an equitable slice of the American Pie. And since we’re getting wild with our imagination, envision a future where contracts are sacrosanct and handshakes aren’t just a prelude to a backstab.

Source: Shocker! Trump’s Truth Social co-founders say he’s screwing them over

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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