Supreme Puppetry: How to Pull Strings and Influence People, a Trumpian Guide

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

Oh, what a joyous day it is to peel the curtain back on democracy’s biggest sitcom: The Supreme Court, now rumored to be sleeping snugly in the back pocket of none other than Donald Trump. This OP-ED piece is like a tote bag full of conspiracy, just waiting to be embroidered with the words “Dangerous for Democracy.” It throws the spotlight on the amorous relationship between the highest court in the land and a president who causes more polarizing buzz than a bee in a vegan bakery.

The Breakdown

  • BFFs with Robes: Apparently, our Supreme Court justices and Trump have a better friendship than teenagers at a summer camp. The article suggests they’ve been passing notes in the legal hallways, potentially undermining the whole “justice is blind” thing.

    • These notes must contain doodles of gavels and the scales of justice tipping, rather alarmingly, to one side. The article paints a picture of a judicial rom-com where promoting personal agendas is the main plotline.
  • Legal Gymnastics: It turns out that being flexible isn’t just for Olympic athletes. Our justices might as well wear leotards for their capacity to bend the law in ways that even a contortionist would envy.

    • With each twisty turn, they’re apparently tumbling their way through decisions that could have lasting effects on you, me, and that guy who always talks during movies.
  • Democracy on Life Support: The article suggests that our democracy is now on a ventilator, thanks to a Supreme Court with a seemingly MAGA tinted oxygen supply.

    • We’re left imagining Uncle Sam in a hospital gown, pondering his life choices and regretting all those times he ghosted Lady Liberty.
  • Checks and Imbalances: Remember when checks and balances were the cornerstone of American government? Well, the article hints we’re about to rename it to “checks and imbalances”, celebrating our newfound political instability.

    • The scales of justice now might as well be used for a weightlifting competition because they’re so off-balance, they’re certified as an Olympic sport.
  • Judicial Jesters: There’s a circus in town, and according to the article, it’s headlined by the Justices, who are juggling precedent, constitutional interpretation, and personal bias with the finesse of clowns in a tiny, packed car.

    • Except, when these clowns honk their noses, laws change and rights are interpreted with the clarity of a Rorschach inkblot.

The Counter

  • Blind Justice, or Stevie Wonder?: Stevie Wonder might have some competition because it sounds like justice is tapping away at the piano with a blindfold, singing “Isn’t She Lovely” to the concept of impartiality.

    • But seriously, are we sure we’re not just witnessing an elaborate game of Pin the Tail on the Constitution?
  • Gymnastics Gold Medalists: Who are we to deny the justices their gold medals in legal gymnastics? Perhaps we should celebrate their flexibility when they stretch those interpretations well beyond the text of the law.

    • After all, every circus needs its superstars, and these justices might just have what it takes to go for the gold.
  • Doctors Hate Him: Democracy is on life support, and somehow, it seems to be beating the odds. It’s like those internet ads: “Doctors hate him for this one weird trick to avoiding political demise.”

    • Perhaps we should be taking notes instead of objecting.
  • Balancing Act Extraordinaire: Checks and imbalances – it’s like a thrilling tightrope walk where everyone’s a winner, right? We should sell tickets. It would pay off the national debt.

    • As a side act, we could watch lawmakers attempt to balance books, preferably the kind that come with receipts and timestamps.
  • A Court of Comedians: Look hats off to the justices, the ultimate jesters. They’ve transformed judicial review into a stand-up routine that’s… pardonnez-moi, sit-down, but without the comedy club drinks minimum.

    • Should we start tipping our justices for every amusing and shockingly biased ruling?

The Hot Take

Grab your marshmallows, folks, because it’s time to roast. First, let’s redefine “Supreme Court” to something more fitting – how about “The Ultimate Reality Show.” Where we vote justices off the bench instead of sending them roses. Next, we can remodel the courtrooms to look like boxing rings, giving a whole new meaning to “court battle.”

Finally, let’s not forget the ultimate solution: trading gavels for magic 8-balls, so at least when things go south, we can blame it on bad luck and not bad law. Because in the end, who needs a constitution when you have ratings?

Source: OP-ED: A Supreme Court in Trump’s pocket is dangerous for democracy

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