NBC Declares It’s Opposite Day, Every Day: Trump Disasters Are Just Misunderstood Opportunities

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

In the grandest of American traditions, U.S. corporate media, with NBC wearing the captain’s hat, has decided that resistance is, in fact, futile when it comes to the ever-controversial, unyielding former president. That’s right, the media conglomerate is apparently taking a “Can’t beat ’em, join ’em” approach to Donald Trump.

It’s a marriage of convenience, where ratings are the wedding guests, and journalistic integrity may have just missed its invitation. So, let’s buckle up and take a ride through this funhouse mirrored-world where the media’s tango with Trump is less a news story and more a strategic partnership kitted out with press passes and ad dollars.

The Breakdown

  1. Mainstream Media to Trump: ‘It’s Complicated’

    • With all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, networks have discovered that Trump is ratings gold. Who knew constant controversy could be so captivating, right? NBC, and pals seem to be embracing this turbulent relationship like it’s a sweeps week fling that just never ended.

  2. Hate-Watching: Not Just for Bad TV Shows Anymore

    • Once upon a time, hate-watching was reserved for shows like “The Bachelor” but now, it’s the 24/7 Trump reality show. America can’t look away, and network execs are salivating more than Pavlov’s dogs at the thought of advertising revenue this ‘shitshow’ brings in.

  3. “In Other News, Morality Took the Day Off”

    • Journalism? Ethics? These words sound familiar, though it seems they’ve taken a back seat in the media’s luxury sedan that’s speeding down Increasing Ad Revenue Boulevard with Trump’s latest spectacle in the trunk.

  4. Donald ‘Midas’ Trump: Everything He Touches Turns to Sold!

    • Be it through a tweetstorm or a shouting match in an interview, all things Trump seem to manifest into a treasure trove for media outlets. Every comment is a coin, and let’s just say, the media’s piggy bank is feeling pretty heavy.

  5. Trump: The Unwilling Netflix Subscription You Can’t Cancel

    • No matter where you turn, there he is. Just when you thought your political streaming service of choice might offer something new, it’s just another season of ‘Orange is the New Bleak’.

The Counter

  1. And The Pulitzer Goes To… Clickbait?

    • Congratulations are in order! Presenting the latest in courageous reporting: sensational headlines that would make a tabloid blush. And would you look at that – page views are through the roof!

  2. Trump, Our Journalistic Scapegoat

    • Without Trump, what would we talk about? Climate change solutions? Healthcare reform? Nah, better stick to the guy who gives us the easy wins with reporters and late-night hosts alike.

  3. Someone Alert Marie Kondo Because This Ain’t Sparking Joy

    • While Trump’s antics should spark thoughtful discourse, media moguls seem to have misinterpreted Kondo’s tidying philosophy. If the mess equals cash, why bother cleaning it up?

  4. Breaking: Media Discovers Infinite Reality Show Loophole

    • Forget the Real Housewives; Trump’s the real MVP of the reality show circuit. Why script drama when the former Commander in Tweet does it all for free?

  5. Umbrellas Opened Indoors: Journalism’s Luck Runs Out

    • In a world where reporting Trump’s latest is akin to breaking a mirror, journalists are on their seventh year of bad luck, still using the same playbook. Maybe it’s time to buy a lottery ticket instead of reporting on tweets.

The Hot Take

Oh, sweet iced tea on a sweltering summer’s day, if there’s one thing this sit-down comedy show has taught us, it’s that the formula to fixing this gong show of a problem isn’t as complex as the network’s relationship status with decency. Step one: exercise that funny bone known as moral courage. Like, could we stop rewarding the political version of a car alarm that won’t shut off at 2 AM? Maybe, just maybe, invest in a little thing I like to call “substance” or “depth”.

Take the high road so often that Google Maps starts marking it as the default route. Try focusing on news that doesn’t come with a side of world-weary sighs and screaming headlines. If laughter’s the best medicine, I prescribe a healthy dose of reality-based, fact-driven reportage to cure this media malady.

Let’s use those journalistic chops to cook up a media diet that’s more balanced than an acrobat on a high wire. Less mindless entertainment, more mindful enlightenment—because, honestly, were those really the good ol’ days when the fourth estate was more estate and less fourth-rate reality TV?

Source: Led by NBC, U.S. corporate media is learning to live with Trump

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