Joe Biden’s Comedy Special: Remembering the Time Trump Went Clean… With Bleach

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Well, folks, it’s that time of the year again when we rewind the clocks and remember the wackiest things people have said. But nothing—absolutely nothing—beats the, “Why don’t we inject bleach,” saga courtesy of Trump. As luck (or is it fate?) would have it, Joe Biden hasn’t let us forget.

Celebrating the anniversary of these remarks, Biden took a jab harder than those wellness shots you get at fancy juice bars, mocking Trump’s downright dangerous cure-all suggestion at a formal press event. The New York Times captured this merry-go-round in their latest piece, ensuring we all got front-row tickets to the circus. Thanks, I guess?

The Breakdown

  1. The Return of the Lysol King

    Oh yes, here we are, watching the bit where Trump essentially turned into a walking, talking disinfectant ad. Biden, in a perfectly ripe moment, tossed these comments back into the limelight, triggering what I can only assume was either mass hysteria or nostalgia for absurdity.

  2. “Science, Shmience!” Says the Former Guy

    Trump’s original comments dashed all hopes that leaders would stick to, you know, actual science during a global health crisis. Biden’s speech was less about the laughs and more about underlining this “alternative facts” era Trump so proudly bannered.

  3. Biden the Roast Master

    The current prez took a “grandpa at Thanksgiving” approach, using humor to both scold and educate, perhaps trying to make the lesson on critical thinking and source verification more digestible. Who knew pandemics could be stand-up material?

  4. Public Reactions – From Facepalms to Applause

    The audience reactions were as mixed as a Spotify 2020 playlist. Some clapped, some scoffed, and others just continued to wonder if reality had become a poorly scripted reality show.

  5. Media Frenzy or Fizzle

    This sort of presidential banter isn’t just a news story; it’s a full-on media buffet. Everyone took a bite, adding their own spices, making sure no one forgot just how tasty—or distasteful—political discourse can be.

The Counter

  1. Just Trying to Clean Things Up!

    Perhaps Trump was just pushing for a cleaner, more sanitized America—in the most literal sense. Who doesn’t appreciate a germ-free country, am I right?

  2. Biden and His Stand-Up Routine

    Maybe Joe is just auditioning for his post-presidential career in comedy. Between this and his aviator shades, he’s halfway to a Netflix special.

  3. Everyone’s a Critic

    The media might love to circle the wagons around anything Trump says, but hey, ratings are ratings, and who are we to deny the people what they want?

  4. Nostalgia is Strong with This One

    Let’s face it, some part of us misses the daily dose of “What did he say now?” It’s like watching your favorite dumpster fire—you know it’s bad, but you can’t look away.

  5. There Are No Wrong Suggestions—Only Experimental Ones

    In a world where flying cars are bound to happen, why not give light therapy a shout? Down with traditionalism and up with exploration!

The Hot Take

Look, this yearly roast of Trump’s bleach debacle might be funny—and it is—but it’s also a reminder. We got bigger bleach stains to scrub out of the ol’ societal fabric: misinformation, disregard for science, and a terrifying knack for ignoring experts.

My take? If we actually want to clean things up, let’s start treating science with the seriousness it deserves, ensure our leaders actually understand it, and, for the love of sanity, keep our cleaning supplies firmly under the sink and out of political discourse. Simmer down, disinfect responsibly, and, maybe, just maybe, we’ll find our way out of the metaphorical mess we’ve spilt.

Source: ‘Don’t Inject Bleach’: Biden Mocks Trump on Anniversary of Covid Comments

Jesse Hubbard, with eight years under his belt, has become the Sherlock Holmes of political writers. Turning mundane news into gripping tales. His humor and investigative zeal make even the driest council meeting seem like a thriller, proving he's a master at crafting captivating stories from the everyday.

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