Trump Throws Confetti as ABC News President Steps Down: Another One Bites the Dust and I Couldn’t Be Happier!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

So, Kim Godwin, the president of ABC News, decided to step down. And guess what? Donald Trump thinks it’s a party! He said, “Good riddance!” I mean, come on, does this guy ever miss a chance to throw confetti at someone else’s retirement party? It’s like every time someone leaves a job, he thinks they’re leaving just to give him a new punchline.

Godwin steps down, and Trump pops out like a jack-in-the-box, or maybe more like that annoying uncle who can’t resist jabbing at every family gathering. I can see him now, balloon in one hand, Twitter handle in the other, ready to celebrate some good old-fashioned “freedom” from media oppression. Freedom! Because that’s exactly what you get when a network president steps down – Liberation Day!

Trump’s Toast to a Turbulent Tenure

I wonder if Trump was sipping on a little bubbly, toasting to the “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad” news coverage that he thinks he’s now free from. He must imagine that every newsroom is just a front for some evil cabal of anti-Trump warriors, all with a picture of him on their dartboards. And now, with one down, he’s like, “Score one for the good guys!”

Let’s not forget, the media, to him, isn’t about information. Oh no, it’s about sides. It’s like he’s watching a football game, and every editor or journalist is a player in the Super Bowl of ‘Who Hates Trump More’. And he’s got his own personal scoreboard in the Oval Office… or maybe Mar-a-Lago, I’m not keeping track anymore.

It’s Not Like She Was Running for Office, Donald!

But here’s the thing: she wasn’t even in politics! This is what really gets my gall. It’s a job in news. News! Remember that old thing? It’s not supposed to be a cheerleading competition for your favorite political figure. But here we are, in a world where a news executive stepping down is a political victory. I guess we can start handing out medals now. “Congrats on your departure, here’s a gold star!”

The “No Comment” Heard Around the World

And the response from other political figures? Crickets. It’s like everyone’s decided to just pop some popcorn and watch the Twitter fireworks. I mean, if Trump is throwing a parade because a news president stepped down, what does that say about our current state of affairs? It says, folks, grab your helmets, because it’s raining absurdity!

You’ve got to laugh. Because if you don’t, you might just cry – or scream. Or maybe both, simultaneously, while eating that popcorn.

In Conclusion: The Trump Conga Line

So, here’s to Donald Trump, the ever-watchful guardian of the American media, ready to throw a party when a news president resigns. Maybe he’s just misunderstood. Maybe he’s actually just a big fan of farewell parties? Maybe the next press headline will read: “Trump Opens Party Planning Business, Specializes in Good Riddances!”

But I’ll tell you, if this is what counts as victory these days, I’d hate to see what defeat looks like. Maybe it’s just another Tuesday for him. Who knows? With Trump, every day is a surprise – kind of like finding a whoopee cushion on your chair. Every. Single. Time.

Source: Donald Trump reacts after ABC News president Kim Godwin steps down: ‘Good riddance!’

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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