Seoul Surprises Singles: Now You Can Afford to Live and Love—Communally!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

Oh, joyous day! Our benevolent overlords in Seoul have suddenly realized that single people exist and have decided to throw them a bone—cheaper co-living units. Because obviously, the only thing standing between singletons and blissful coexistence with humanity is the absurd cost of real estate in a metropolis. So they’re galloping to the rescue, like a knight in shining armor, if that knight was made up of bureaucrats and the horse was an affordable housing policy.

Seoul, the pulsing heart of K-pop and kimchi, typically known for skyrocketing real estate prices, is now rolling out the red carpet for the solo flyers of society. And by red carpet, I mean cutting them a deal so they don’t have to sell their left kidney just to afford a broom closet-sized apartment. These co-living units are pretty much the next best thing since sliced bread—if that bread were to be shared with a bunch of strangers also trying to save a buck.

The Breakdown

  • Oh, the Humanity!
    Thank the higher powers for recognizing that single people are indeed human and might just need a place to live. It’s revolutionary, it’s groundbreaking—it’s common sense sprinkled with a dash of ‘about time’.
  • Pocket-Friendly Paradise
    Imagine a world where you don’t have to spend most of your paycheck just to have a roof over your head. This plan essentially highlights that if you’re alone, chances are you’re cash-strapped, too. Singles of Seoul, rejoice! Your ramen won’t be served with a side of tears… this month.
  • Living in ‘Harmony’
    Co-living units: because they believe that nothing fosters a sense of community like being packed together out of financial desperation. Remember, nothing says ‘harmony’ like a shared kitchen when you’ve all had a bad day.
  • The Luxury of ‘Space’
    Thrive in your personal square footage that’s roughly the size of a postage stamp. But fear not, it’s not the size that matters—it’s how you fold your futon.
  • Innovations in Matchmaking
    Forget dating apps—nothing brings people together quite like arguing over who left the dishes unwashed in your new budget-friendly utopia. What’s a little passive-aggressive note between future best friends, eh?

The Counter

  • Singles Are Just Fine
    Who’s to say single people even wanted help? Perhaps living in a shoebox at an exorbitant rate was part of their life plan. Don’t fix what isn’t broken, right?
  • Who Needs Savings?
    Maybe it’s not about the money! Maybe the real treasure is the friends we made along the waitlist for a livable space that doesn’t require a billionaire’s bank account.
  • Total Isolation is Bliss
    Ever heard of ‘me time’? There’s a reason people enjoy their own space and nothing says privacy like having a roommate snoring through paper-thin walls.
  • Couples-only Housing Next?
    Can’t wait for the city to address those poor couples who need double income housing because being in a relationship obviously means financial dependency.
  • Communal Living is Overrated
    Surely, everybody loves an unsolicited entry into their ‘private’ living quarters. Sharing is caring, except when it comes to the last piece of cake in the communal fridge.

The Hot Take

In the grand liberal tradition of fixing everything with policy, we’ve got the co-living scheme for singles. Here’s my take: how about we make everything so blasted affordable that people don’t have to choose between solitude and destitution?

Let’s just overhaul the economic status quo with sensible housing policies that don’t price out 90% of the population. And while we’re dreaming the impossible dream, let’s throw in some community gardens and free WiFi—because if we’re going to live like a commune, we might as well go full hippie. Remember, a shared laundry room is the first step towards utopia, or at least, that’s what I’m sarcastically informed.

Source: Seoul to Step Up Support for Single People With Cheaper Co-Living Units

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