Back to School: RFK Jr. and the Art of Historical Flunkacy

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Oh, folks, pull up a chair, because today I’m diving headfirst into the swirling, murky waters of misinformed politico speeches! Yes, the kind of intellectual swamp where historical accuracy goes to play hide and seek – and spoiler alert, accuracy is still hiding.

So, this particular gem of distorted narrative come to us courtesy of RFK Jr., who seems to think that history books are more like guidelines than actual, you know, facts. He recently offered up a so-called “history lesson” on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that managed to flunk not just history, but geography, ethics, and even a basic human decency test. Don’t worry, it’s not a simple fail; it’s an epic facepalm-worthy catastrophe.

RFK Jr.- historical sage that he apparently imagines himself to be – decided to explain global politics to us mere mortals in a way that mangled facts with the grace of a bull in a china shop. According to him, we’re just one big misunderstanding from singing “Kumbaya” with Vladimir Putin.

Let’s start with the part where I thought geography had settled down by fifth grade, but Jr. seems to think Ukraine is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from being Russian. Never mind international law, or, you know, the sovereignty of nations! In his opulent overture, he basically insinuates this invasion thing – it’s all a misunderstanding! Oh well, what’s a little armed conflict between future friends, right?

Here’s where it gets juicier. He concocted this stew of confusion and whipped out the old “historical parallels” routine to justify actions that, quite frankly, can’t really be justified if you’ve read a history book after 1991. It’s sort of like justifying eating burnt pizza because, well, it’s still a pizza.

And folks, let’s not skip over the ethical gymnastics of trying to create a narrative that excuses invasion, human rights abuses, and just generally turning Europe back into a battlefield. I mean, why bother with decades of diplomacy, international relations, and peace treaties when you can just bulldoze your way through sovereign nations? It’s empire-building nostalgia at its finest!

Now, we come to the pièce de résistance of his argument – because nothing says ‘I’ve got my finger on the pulse’ like completely ignoring the pulse. His view is kind of like watching someone try to put out a fire with gasoline – fascinating in a catastrophic sort of way, and you just can’t look away because you can’t believe anyone would think it’s a good idea.

But here’s the silver lining – if you can call it that. In his bumbling attempt to rewrite history, Jr. has also managed to unite every fact-checker, historian, and anyone who honestly just reads news into a single, eye-rolling collective. That’s no small feat! Finally, some unity!

If this history lesson reflects what’s coming from that political corner, folks, we better buckle up because it’s going to be a bumpy ride back to the Dark Ages. They say those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it, but it feels more like those who creatively rewrite it doom us all to a sequel no one asked for.

Oh, and in case we were worried about the ramifications of misinformation – fear not! The political fact-checkers are swooning under the sheer weight of inaccuracies flung at them. They should probably be awarded hazard pay. Or at the very least, a lifetime supply of headache medicine.

So, there you have it, folks. A history lesson that’s about as accurate as a horoscope and twice as confusing. Just remember, when it comes to being informed, maybe… just maybe, don’t take your cues from political royals with an ideological axe to grind. Stick to the professionals – historians, journalists, and, I don’t know, anyone who doesn’t treat history like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book!

Source: RFK Jr’s ‘history lesson’ on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine flunks the fact test

Jared Mejia: A decade in the trenches of political writing for many outlets. Master of translating political doubletalk into snarky English. Wields sarcasm and caffeine with equal proficiency, slicing through spin with a razor-sharp wit.

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