How to Lose an Election and Alienate People: The Trump Saga Continues

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Ah, here we go again! Haven’t we danced this dance before? Like a broken record that, no matter what you do, keeps spinning the same crackly tune: Donald Trump and the Elections He Never Won. Seriously, it’s like a weird techno remix that you didn’t ask for at a party you never wanted to attend.

So now, according to recent splashes in the headlines, Joe Biden claims that Trump won’t accept the 2024 election results. I mean, surprise surprise, right? I could have told you that, and my qualifications are limited to yelling into a microphone and having an affinity for caps locked rants.

Imagine this: You’re playing a game of Monopoly with your family. It’s been four hours, Aunt Marge has commandeered Park Place with a hotel empire that would make Trump’s little heart sing gospel, and just as you roll the dice to land on Free Parking, Cousin Joe flips the board because he’s losing. That’s essentially what this situation feels like. Except this board flipping could potentially disrupt an entire country.

The ability to accept loss gracefully is just not in some people’s playbook. And by “some people,” I mean you-know-who whose hair defies not just political norms, but also basic physics. “I’ll only lose if it’s rigged!” says the man who probably thinks McDonald’s ice cream machines being broken is a deep state conspiracy.

Let’s poke the bear a bit, shall we? What is it with Trump and elections? It’s like he thinks “recount” is a free subscription service offered by the government just so he can make headlines every four years. If denial were an Olympic sport, Trump would be bringing home the gold every time. Maybe we can start including that in the games; it might be the one competition where he actually stands a chance.

Now Joe, bless him, is basically saying out loud what we all know to be the preparatory stage of an age-old ritual. This isn’t just foreshadowing; it’s a rerun of your least favorite sitcom. Could this spin-off be any worse?

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the electoral fishing pond, think again. The water’s been chummed with false claims, and the great white shark of electoral chaos is back for another bite.

Here’s a thought: imagine if instead of rejecting election results, politicians worked on, I don’t know, actual policy? What a novel concept! Maybe we could actually address some of the issues like healthcare, climate change, or education. But no, we’re stuck in the Groundhog Day of electoral disbelief.

So as 2024 approaches, let’s buckle up for another joyride on the Trumpian denial express. Choo choo, folks! The conductor has a questionable hairpiece and an even more questionable grasp on reality. If you thought sequels were bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.

And you know what’s the craziest part? We all have front-row seats to this show. It’s like having VIP tickets to the world’s least funny, yet bizarrely entertaining, train wreck. Popcorn, anyone?

Prepare for impact, because whether you like it or not, the denial is coming. It’s not just Winter in Westeros that folks should worry about. It’s the chilling effect of a never-ending election cycle that keeps on giving like a bad fruitcake during the holidays.

To sum up, in the grand scheme of things, is any of this shocking? Not really. Is it entertaining? Painfully. Is it concerning? Absolutely. Because at the end of the day, democracy isn’t a game show where you can hit a buzzer or call for a recount just because you don’t like how the votes are tallying up. In real life, you don’t get to flip the board and storm out.

And there, folks, is your twist of lemon on a ginormous, ineffable pile of political absurdity that we seem to keep ordering every four years. Cheers, America! Maybe next time, order an espresso. It might just keep us all awake enough to see through the chaos.

Source: Biden says Trump won’t accept 2024 election results

Margaret Mayakovsky is a tenacious independent writer dedicated to exposing the truth behind political and environmental issues. She remains unwavering in her pursuit of impactful stories. Her 20-year career embodies a fearless commitment to journalism, highlighting her resolve to hold the powerful accountable with her relentless writing.

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