Rubio Finds His Backbone… and Donates It to Trump’s Donors

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

They say politics makes strange bedfellows. Well, folks, if you’ve been paying attention lately, you might have seen the headline that Marco Rubio is starting to look pretty darn cozy tucked under the fiscal blankets with Donald Trump’s donors. The news is about as subtle as a foghorn in a library, and yes, it’s got me wondering – are we running out of surprises, or is the bar for political weirdness just that high now?

Let’s break this down. Marco Rubio, the man who once called Trump a “con artist,” is now the apple of the eye of those who funded said artist. That’s right, the same donors! This isn’t just political flip-flopping; it’s Olympic-level gymnastics. Does anyone have a neck brace? Because I’m getting whiplash just trying to keep up.

Oh, the Irony… It Burns

Remember the good old days when Rubio was the fresh face of the “new” conservative movement? He was young, dynamic, the son of immigrants, and ready to bring a new face to a party supposedly gasping for youthful energy. Nowadays, he’s cozied up to some of the biggest wallets who once backed the blowhard brigade of the Trump era. I guess the allure of money has a magical way of making past insults just water under a very luxurious, probably gilded bridge.

The Buddy Comedy We Didn’t Ask For

Picture this as a buddy comedy movie. On one side, we have Rubio, the straight-laced conservative, and on the other, Trump’s carnival of chaos, now represented by the donors handing Rubio the financial equivalent of a golden parachute. If politics is Hollywood for ugly people, then this flick is bound to be a blockbuster, complete with plot twists, backstabbing, and, because it’s 2023, probably a reboot of something from the 80s.

Cashing in on Amnesia

It’s almost as if Rubio and these donors are banking on America having the memory span of a goldfish. “Remember when I said that thing about Trump being dangerous? Nah, me neither.” But hey, who needs consistency when you have campaign funds, right?

What’s Next? Matching Tattoos?

So, what’s the end game here? If the donors warm up any more, they’ll be knitting matching sweaters by Christmas. Maybe they’ll theme their next fundraiser as a “nostalgic fiesta” where everyone reminisces about the time Rubio used to criticize Trump before they all break out singing “Kumbaya.” It’s like watching the political equivalent of an ex-boyfriend getting back together with his old girlfriend after he swore he was better off. Spoiler: He’s not.

In Conclusion: Let’s Pop the Popcorn

As a spectator, all you can do is grab the popcorn, sit back, and watch this tragicomedy unfold. Politics in America is now less about policies and more about who can best play this game of thrones. And right now, Rubio is bending more than just the knee. He’s bending over backwards, forwards, and sideways in a not-so-subtle courtship dance with Trump’s cohort.

Source: Trump donors warm to Marco Rubio as running mate

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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