Campus Protests: Because What’s College Without a Little Tear Gas?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Ah, here we go again. It’s another round of campus protests, because, you know, what is a college education without a side of picket signs and shouted slogans? Trust me, nothing spices up your ramen noodles better than a dose of tear gas. So, let’s dive into the venerable institution that is higher learning protests, complete with all the chaos and none of the clear objectives!

So, what’s the beef this time? According to sources that still manage to operate under the astonishing assumption that we all read at a college level, there’s turmoil brewing over everything from tuition hikes to questionable canteen menus. But hey, as long as they keep it to one chant per protest, I think I might just be able to follow along without my brain going into a full meltdown.

Laugh or Cry, Your Tuition Bill is Still Due

When did college turn into an episode of Survivor? Only, instead of island eliminations, we have GPA risks and semester-long alliances. The latest uproar is about tuition increases. Because what better way to spend four years accumulating crippling debt than in a tiny dorm room that even prison wardens would find unacceptable? Surely, the siren call of lifelong indebtedness for a degree in Vague Historical Studies is too sweet to resist. And while you’re at it, toss in another couple thousand for those textbooks you might open—what—a whopping three times?

The Cafeteria Menu: A Culinary Crime Scene

Then, there’s the cafeteria menu protest. If you thought mystery meat was a culinary challenge, wait till you get a load of ‘sustainable bean slop.’ It’s like every meal is a poorly disguised attempt at solving the climate crisis. Sure, eat your gray beans proudly, knowing each spoonful dulls the ache of global warming—and taste buds universally.

Administrators: Who Are These People? Do They Even Go Here?

Let’s not overlook the favorite target of all collegiate anger: the administration. These elusive creatures, rarely spotted in daylight, are apparently responsible for everything from the ozone layer to reruns of bad 1980s sitcoms. And like all good mythical villains, their decisions are both omnipotent and incomprehensible. Their mysterious ways include sending emails that nobody reads and attending meetings that make a sloth look speedy.

Are We Protesting or Auditioning for a Reality TV Show?

It seems like some of these protests are less about effecting change and more about seeing who can yell the loudest without passing out. Maybe they’re just auditions for a reality show where the winner gets their student loans paid off—that’s the kind of game show I can get behind!

So, why do students keep doing this? Is it the allure of skipping class legally? Is it the adrenaline rush from dodging the campus security’s feeble attempts at crowd control? Or perhaps it’s just the timeless tradition of questioning authority, which is the academic equivalent of a fraternity prank—only with less beer and more bullhorns.

Conclusion: Can’t We All Just Get a Degree?

It’s clear that the spirit of protest is alive and well on campuses across the nation. But really, at the end of the day, wouldn’t it be nice if that energy went into something a bit more productive? Like, I don’t know, studying? Or maybe, just maybe, figuring out how to get through an entire semester without turning the campus into a battle scene from a dystopian movie?

Oh, but who am I kidding? That would make too much sense! And making sense is clearly not as much fun as making noise. At least, that’s the lesson until the next round of protests. Stay tuned, bring your own bullhorn, and remember, if you can’t learn, at least you can yell.

Source: Here’s the latest on campus protests.

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