Sun to Earth: Here’s Some Pretty Lights, Now Good Luck with Your Internet

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Folks, have you heard this one? We’re apparently in for a dazzling display of Northern Lights this weekend, thanks to what experts are calling a severe solar storm. That’s right, nature’s own psychedelic light show, dancing across the sky like it’s the 60s again. Only this time, instead of peace and love, it’s because the sun has basically decided to hurl cosmic spitballs at Earth. And you thought your neighbor’s Christmas lights were obnoxious.

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I hear the term severe solar storm, my first thought isn’t, ‘Oh boy, pretty lights!’ My first thought is, ‘What in the holy Starbucks WiFi is this going to do to my phone service?’ Imagine, you’re just about to win your bid on eBay for that vintage toaster oven, because who doesn’t need one of those, right? And just as you’re about to seal the deal —bam— the internet is down, thanks to the sun having a hiccup.

And speaking of power outages, if there’s anything more reliable than our internet service providers ensuring we stay connected during a natural spectacle, it’s the power companies keeping the lights on. Sure. The last time we had a big storm, my local power company sent me a text that my electricity would be back on by “next Thursday”. Which Thursday? I guess that was up for interpretation, kind of like most modern art or the plot of any spy movie ever made.

But let’s get real for a moment. Science folks tell us these solar flares are charged particles from the sun. And when they hit Earth, they can mess with the magnetic field. Now, I’m not a scientist—I don’t even wear a lab coat on Halloween—but messing with Earth’s magnetic field sounds like the opening scene of a movie where everything goes disastrously wrong. I mean, if my compass starts pointing south instead of north, am I supposed to just walk upside down?

And yeah, it’s cool, in theory, that we get to see the Northern Lights in places where you might least expect them. Like Florida. Florida, folks! The land of oranges, alligators, and now, apparently, Aurora Borealis. What’s next, snow in Miami? Eskimo tribes in Tampa? It’s like weather wanted to remind us it still has some tricks up its sleeve beyond deciding to snow every time you forget your jacket.

Now, all this talk about geomagnetic storms and auroras might go over some heads, and rightly so. I’m with you! I like my skies clear, my TV signal strong, and my biggest natural concern to be whether my ice cream melts before I can eat it. Not whether solar plasma will turn my GPS so around that I’ll start driving into rivers because the navigation tells me it’s a shortcut.

But maybe, just maybe, there’s a silver lining to this energetic chaos from our solar system’s very own star. With every gadget gone kaput, maybe we’ll remember how to actually talk to each other. You know, face-to-face, using our mouths. Not via text, tweet, or those weird TikTok dances. I mean, can you imagine a world where we have to look up from our phones? Scary thought.

Look, at the end of the day, a severe solar storm might not be the apocalyptic event of the year. We’ve had plenty of those to choose from already, thank you very much. But it will be a spectacle that’s as mesmerizing as it is a potent reminder of our own vulnerability in the grand cosmic raffle. So, charge your devices, update your disaster kits, and prepare for a light show that’s out of this world—quite literally.

In all seriousness, enjoy the lights. It’s not every day the sky decides to throw a rave. Just pray your electronics can make it through the cosmic mosh pit unscathed. And if they can’t, maybe, just maybe, we might remember how to use that ancient tech known as conversation. Or better yet, we might just find a toaster oven that needs no electricity at all. That’s the dream.

Source: “Severe” solar storm could bring Northern Lights to U.S. this weekend

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