Presidential Terms Sale: Buy Two, Get One Free?!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Folks, I just stumbled upon something that’s got my brain doing cartwheels inside my skull, and no, it’s not because I had an extra shot of espresso today. It appears someone hinted at a three-term presidency, and no, it’s not a high school civics class discussion gone wild. It’s our very own American headline, blooming like a mushroom in the forest of political absurdities.

Our dear old friend, the 45th, has suggested that if re-elected, blasting through the cozy two-term limit might just be on the to-do list. And here I thought my biggest problem today was going to be the barista spelling my name as “Luis.”

Master of None, But Maybe Three Terms?

Let’s dissect this, because nothing says democracy like bending its rules till they snap, right? The 22nd Amendment might as well be toilet paper if we start treating it like a mere suggestion. I can picture it now: a White House tour guide saying, Here lies the remains of the two-term limit, may it rest in peace, overrun by a tweet storm.

Just to be clear, I’m all for ambition. If a toddler aims to be an astronaut, let’s plaster the nursery with stars and a floating Buzz Lightyear. But when a grown man hints at wanting three terms in the highest office of the land, someone needs to stick a pin in that balloon.

Political Groundhog Day or Just a Sequel To A Horror Movie We Thought Was Over?

Imagine the sequels. Trump Term 3: Now With More Executive Orders! The possibilities are terrifyingly endless. I mean, we all love a good TV rerun, but what we don’t want is our political landscape turning into a series where the finale is just as disappointing as the season opener. And speaking of reruns, remember how everyone was excited about Game of Thrones until it ended? Exactly.

Let’s also consider our international friends watching this circus unfold. They’re buckling up, popcorn in hand, because America is serving up prime-time entertainment that rivals any reality show. The Bachelor could never hold a candle to the suspense of our political drama.

The Art of “Why Stop at Two?”

Now, to the mastermind floating the idea of a three-term fantasy, just imagine the historical company he’d be keeping. We’re talking leaders for life, the kind with statues of themselves in every town square and a personal theme song playing in the background. Except, last I checked, this is America, and we generally frown upon that sort of thing around here—we left that style of governance in the Old World, remember?

But hey, why stop at three terms? Why not four, or five, or just go full monarch? Ditch the democracy decorum and let’s have a coronation on the White House lawn. We could even start a spinoff series: Keeping Up with the Constitutionals.

In Conclusion: Satirical, Yet Frighteningly Possible

In closing, while this might seem like fodder for a good ol’ political roast, the chilling reality is the seed has been planted. Talks of bypassing the safeguards of our democracy are happening out loud, in broad daylight, not in some shadowy, cloak-and-dagger backroom. It’s like planning to rob a bank but accidentally CC’ing the police on your heist emails.

So, let’s keep our eyes wide open, our votes ready, and maybe, just for kicks, place a friendly bet on whether the 22nd Amendment will hold up like the steadfast relic of democracy it is, or fold like a cheap suit. Because in this political casino, sometimes the house loses, but let’s ensure it’s not the house of democracy.

In a world where reality often surpasses satire, one might think they’ve seen it all. Trust me: we haven’t, but boy, are we getting an extended preview. And remember, if you think it’s stressful now, just wait for the season premiere—err, I mean, the election night.

Source: Trump suggests he could be a 3-term president if he wins election

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