The Art of the Steal: How to Cut Taxes, Raise Debt and Call It Economic Genius!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Oh, I’ve got a bone to pick with the rose-tinted glasses folks are using to look back at the Trump era as some kind of economic golden age. You know, every time I hear about the so-called solid economy under Trump, I have to chuckle before I start screaming into the void.

Alright, let’s break down this magical mystery tour of economic stewardship that some seem so nostalgic about. First off, we had tax cuts! Who doesn’t love a good tax cut? Especially when they’re massively skewed towards the wealthy. I mean, if you’re going to cut taxes, why not cut them for the people who need it the least? That’s just common sense if you’re living in a backwards world!

And let’s not forget the skyrocketing debt. Nothing says fiscal responsibility like adding trillions to the national debt. It’s like going on a shopping spree with a credit card that your grandkids have to pay off. How generous of us, huh? Passing on a little gift wrapped in IOUs.

But wait, there’s more! We can’t reminisce about the Trump economic policies without tipping our hats to the grand finale: a global pandemic. Now, if that’s not a cherry on top of an economic strategy, I don’t know what is. Talk about leaving office with a bang!

Now, onto those gems screaming from the rooftops about how well the stock markets did. Because as we all know, the stock market is a perfect reflection of the real economy, right? It’s where reality goes to get distorted like a funhouse mirror. If Wall Street is booming, Joe and Jane Mainstreet must be living the high life — never mind the small detail that half the country can’t scrape together $400 in an emergency.

Let’s not gloss over the small businesses, a.k.a., the backbone of our economy, grappling with tariffs that turned market forecasts into something resembling a dartboard after a night of heavy drinking – unpredictable and full of holes. Ah, but who needs stability when you can have exciting monthly episodes of “What will the tariff wheel land on today?”

And through it all, we had the pleasure of enduring endless bragging from the White House. If I had a dollar for every time Trump claimed he created the “greatest economy ever,” I could fund my retirement and maybe even buy myself a nice little gold toilet of my own. The hype was more inflated than a Thanksgiving Day parade balloon!

In essence, yes, some people might remember the economy under Trump as solid — solid like a Jell-O mold that’s been left out in the sun. It wobbles under the slightest touch and doesn’t leave you quite satisfied.

It’s crucial that we chew through the nostalgia and remember these days for what they really were — a blend of showmanship, skewed priorities, and policies that weren’t so much about sustainable growth as they were about spurting growth spurts that benefitted a select few. It’s like repainting your car while the engine’s falling apart and calling it a job well done.

You know, you’ve got to laugh to stop from crying. Or screaming. Or both. But hey, here’s to remembering the “solid” economy! More like remembering not to repeat it.

Source: Many remember solid economy under Trump, but his record also full of tax cut hype, debt and disease

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