It’s Raining Recession, Hallelujah! – A Guide to Blame It All on Biden

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Boy, oh boy, if there’s one thing Americans love more than their freedom fries, it’s a good old-fashioned dose of economic confusion! A recent poll suggests that a staggering majority of you think we’re in a recession. And who do we blame? Not the bogeyman, not our exes, but Joe Biden! Yep, because when in doubt, why not blame the guy at the top?

First of all, how many of you actually know what a recession is? I mean, it’s not just when your paycheck feels a bit lighter than usual or when the price of your favorite coffee goes up by ten cents. Economically speaking, we’re talking about two consecutive quarters of economic downturn. Look it up, folks! It’s like reading the manual before you try to assemble your kid’s bike and end up with a unicycle.

Now, get this: despite what might seem like the end times at the grocery checkout, economists say we’re not technically in a recession. “Technically” being the operative word here that lets all the financial wizards keep their jobs while the rest of us scratch our heads.

Then, there’s the blame game. Ah, Joe Biden. Previously known as ‘Not Trump’, now known as ‘The Guy Who Ruined Everything’. Now, I’m not one to shy away from a bit of political banter, but blaming Biden for the entire economic fiasco is like blaming Ronald McDonald every time you get a bad burger. Sure, he looks responsible with that unsettlingly large head of his, but come on, he’s just the mascot!

It’s like we’re living in a bizarre reality show where the prize for the winner is a lifetime supply of anxiety. The price of gas goes up? Biden’s fault. Milk costs more than a small island? Biden’s fault. Netflix removed your favorite show? Somehow, also Biden’s fault!

And amid all this, what are we doing? We’re tuning into this tragic comedy, munching on our overpriced popcorn, watching as people seriously debate whether it’s Biden’s economic policies or just the universe’s way of telling us we didn’t forward that chain email to 10 people back in 2005.

But, let’s not forget the grand tradition of presidential blame. Remember when we blamed Bush for everything? Now, that was a sport! Obama got his fair shake, too. Trump, well, he was in his own league, literally and figuratively. It’s like every president becomes the national piñata for a while.

What’s even funnier? The solutions people come up with. More tax cuts, they say, because those have always worked out so well. Maybe throw in a few tariffs here and there, because nothing says economic stability like taxing the heck out of everything that moves.

In all seriousness, if Americans spent half as much time reading up on economic policies as they do on conspiracy theories about celebrity vampire cults, maybe, just maybe, we’d actually get somewhere. But then again, where’s the fun in that? We’d rather believe in economic boogeymen and blame it all on one guy. After all, it’s the American way!

So, as you go about your day, remember, when you feel like the world’s economic weight is on your shoulders, just blame Biden. It’s easier than doing algebra, and let’s be honest, probably more satisfying too.

Just remember, in the gripping drama of American finances, don’t let facts get in the way of a good blame game!

Source: Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

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