From Golden Thrones to Courtrooms: The Only Things Trump Hid Better Than Classified Docs

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Alright, folks. Gather around because I’m about to tell you why Ty Cobb’s comments on the classified documents case are the verbal equivalent of watching a train wreck, except instead of a train, it’s Trump, and instead of a crash, it’s a slow-motion faceplant into a trash heap. Yes, I’m going there. And no, I won’t apologize. (Does anyone even remember what apologies are? It’s like we collectively forgot they exist.)

So why is Ty Cobb, the esteemed, mustachioed legal savant, calling these unsealed documents “damning” for Trump? Look, if something involving Trump isn’t damning, then it’s probably got glitter and rainbows on it, and let’s face it, nobody’s seen any of that since…ever. Cobb, who navigated through the miry swamp that was the Trump administration’s legal issues, says that the content of these documents is what legal experts like to call a big frickin’ deal.

Now, don’t get me wrong. We’re talking about classified documents here. Stuff that if leaked, could make The Pentagon Papers look like a leak of your Aunt Sally’s secret meatloaf recipe. I mean, let’s reminisce for a second. This is the same guy who kept documents in a bathroom at his private club. A bathroom! Think about it. People usually hide the good wine or their secret stash of dark chocolate; Trump hides classified documents.

But this isn’t just any bathroom. No, it’s one of those golden toilets type situations. I imagine it’s less of a place to do your business and more of a shrine to your own ego. A place where you can sit, contemplate life, and apparently mull over the pros and cons of international espionage.

Ty Cobb, bless his soul, is basically saying that the contents of these filings are like kryptonite to Trump. It’s not just a smoking gun; it’s the entire arsenal. But let me get back to the important part: golden toilets. The sort of throne room setup that even Game of Thrones fans would look at and say, oh, this might be overkill. Meanwhile, the rest of us are holding our heads and gasping, My God, does he have no sense of irony?

And Cobb, you know, the guy who basically navigated through this administration with a compass made out of pure what-the-hell-am-I-even-doing-here, is telling us this is bad news. You know it’s serious when a man who willingly worked in the Trump White House says things look grim. That’s like a lifeguard at a shark-bitten beach going, nah man, I’m out. Everyone for themselves!

Of course, Trump has brushed it off like you would dog hair on your favorite black sweater. Still, this isn’t just your run-of-the-mill ancient email server kind of controversy. This is the sort of thing that, if true, confirms every gut feeling we’ve had about this administration’s incompetence. And we’re not exactly in short supply of those revelations, are we?

It’s almost like every time you think we’ve reached the peak of “Can it get any worse?”, someone flips the script, and suddenly we’re on a never-ending elevator destined for the sub-basement of governmental absurdity. Here, instead of stores, you have rooms filled with ten thousand classified documents. Why? Because why the hell not?

I can just picture Trump’s legal team collectively facepalming like the last survivors on a sinking Titanic. Oh, I know, let’s leak the truth, someone probably said, and then they did, and then Ty Cobb is standing there like the voice of reason, only no one ever listens to that guy until it’s too late. And maybe it is. I mean, at this rate, the republic could fall on a Tuesday, and it would be blamed on some kid’s science fair project gone awry.

In closing, what are we supposed to take away from this? That our former president has the critical thinking skills of a cheese sandwich? No offense to cheese sandwiches, I love ’em, but even they know their place is in the kitchen, not the Situation Room. We learn that if you’re going to commit acts that make Watergate look like a game of Monopoly, at least try not to leave a paper trail. Especially not one that leads back to your golden toilet.

What we’ve really learned, folks, is that truth in Trump’s circle is like a game of hide and seek played by toddlers. It’s never in a difficult place to find, but you still have to pretend it’s a big deal when you do discover it. And when these classified docs hit the fan, it’s always better when the spray isn’t aimed at your own damn face.

Source: Ty Cobb calls unsealed filings in classified docs case ‘damning’ for Trump

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