The Devastating Teen Dis of ‘Mean Girls’: How to Survive in a Post-Regina George World

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


Source: Do Today’s Teens Care About ‘Mean Girls’?

The Details

So, apparently, we’ve got a national crisis on our hands! It’s not the economy, climate change, or the threat of AI taking over our jobs and potentially leading us into a dystopian wasteland. Nope. We’re delving into the pivotal question of whether today’s teens give a flying flip about ‘Mean Girls’, that cinematic gem from way back in 2004. This saga has been itching the minds of sociologists, psychologists, and clearly, distracted journalists who probably should be covering, I don’t know, actual news?

We’re dissecting an article that seems utterly flabbergasted by the possibility that the youth of today might not be enthralled by a film older than some of them. It’s an in-depth piece that could either signal the end of an era or just the natural progression of teen culture. Who could’ve guessed that teenagers’ interests evolve faster than a politician’s stance when the polls come in?

The Breakdown

  1. Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used to Be
    Apparently, kids today aren’t holding slumber parties to dissect the social commentary of ‘Mean Girls’. Why? Maybe because it’s hard to be nostalgic about something that was cool when flip phones were high tech. It’s as if things from 20 years ago might not be relevant to them, utterly shocking!
  2. Slinging Sarcasm Without a Permit
    The film’s sarcastic wit might as well be in Ancient Greek for all the resonance it has with TikTok-ing youngsters. These teens, they have their own brand of sarcasm now. It’s just that nobody older than 25 understands it, much like nobody understands why teens need to make dance videos about everything.
  3. Social Media: The New Burn Book
    I don’t know if the article mentioned this, but there’s this thing called social media now. Maybe it’s slipped past the radar. Teens today don’t need a movie to teach them about social savagery; they live it every time they post a photo and wait for the comments to roll in.
  4. Who Needs Mean Girls When You Have Algorithms?
    The complex hierarchy of high school social dynamics is too simple compared to the algorithmic dictatorship of Instagram and Snapchat. Why watch a movie about popularity when an app can give you a numerical value of your social worth in likes and followers?
  5. Fashion Fads Faster than a Speeding Meme
    The pink Wednesdays and mini-skirts of ‘Mean Girls’ are a far cry from today’s ever-changing trends that come in like a thunderstorm and are old news by the weekend. If you blink, you’ll miss the latest hashtagged outfit craze.

The Counter

  1. But Wait, There’s a Musical!
    In a desperate attempt to stay relevant, ‘Mean Girls’ has been given the Broadway treatment. Because nothing says “I’m current” like jazz hands and a melody, right?
  2. The Lines Liveth Forever
    Fetch may not be happening, but kids today are still exposed to iconic quotes, even if it’s only because their out-of-touch aunts and uncles can’t stop referencing them.
  3. Life Imitates Art
    Sure, the movie might not be on the teen radar, but high school cliques are evergreen. Somewhere, in a high school cafeteria, a new ‘Plastics’ group forms, and ‘Mean Girls’ is their unwatched blueprint.
  4. Pop Culture Recycling Bin
    Really, today’s teens recycle ‘Mean Girls’ without even knowing it; it’s in memes, GIFs, and tweets. They’re like unwitting archeologists, digging up relics not realizing they’re from the pop culture Mesozoic era.
  5. There’s Always a Reboot Looming
    With the state of Hollywood’s creativity being what it is, just wait. There will be a ‘Mean Girls’ streamed series reboot set in a dystopian future where liking someone’s photo is a declaration of fealty to the ruling faction.

The Hot Take

So here we are, grappling with the tragic realization that ‘Mean Girls’ might not be the universal teen experience anymore. What a total societal collapse we’re witnessing! Oh, the humanity! But you know what? Perhaps—and just bear with me here—we let the kids of today create their own cultural touchstones. I know, insane, right? Instead of wringing our hands over the supposed disinterest in a film, let’s focus on making the world these teenagers are inheriting a place where they can thrive without worrying if they’re cool enough for not knowing who Regina George is.

We could support arts programs that inspire new stories and embrace the evolving landscape of what’s funny, poignant, and meaningful. After all, one day the movies and shows that teens love now will be the subject of articles bemoaning the next generation’s indifference. And that, my friends, is the real circle of life.

Jimmy Ayers: the writer who swapped beachside scandals for Beltway intrigues, bringing a dash of island humor to the all-too-serious world of D.C. politics. Known for his quirky take on Capitol Hill's dramas, Jimmy's writing style suggests you certainly can't scrub the sandy wit from his dispatches.

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