From Smog Monsters to Electric Angels: Kids Evolve Past the Need for Combustion

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

We all love the sweet aroma of vehicle emissions in the morning, don’t we? It’s like a rite of passage for our metropolitan lungs. But lo and behold, some geniuses decided to run a study, and—brace yourselves—it turns out electric cars could boost kids’ health! Who would’ve thunk it? Gone is the beloved tradition of inhaling those classic internal combustion engine fumes, because apparently, those odorous toxins are bad for us, especially our tiny tots. The study delves into this shocking correlation between clean air and healthy children, and I was just as astonished as you are, folks!

The Breakdown

  1. Electric Cars: The Lung’s New BFF

    • Swapping out those loud, obnoxiously smoggy cars for silent, smooth electric types might let our kids breathe something other than pollution. Oh, the horror! Clear lungs? Steady heart rates? Next thing you know, they’ll want us to drink water instead of soda.
  2. Ghosts of Traffic Jams Past

    • The study implies that our nostalgic bumper-to-bumper symphony might be a relic soon. Do you remember the fumes of yesteryear? Kids of the future might miss out on the complex juggling of an asthma inhaler during PE class. A silent moment for what we’re losing, please.
  3. The Great Outdoors Indoors

    • Apparently, the shift to electric could mean that outdoor playtime won’t be akin to a visit to the gas chamber. Kids frolicking in the wild without coughing? Imagine the fields full of chirping birds and laughing children, free from the stench of gasoline. I’m gonna miss the stink – said no one, ever.
  4. Batteries Included

    • So, kids will grow up with healthier hearts and lungs, thanks to this switch to electric. And what will fuel their imagination? Facts and figures regarding battery life and efficiency? “Sorry, Timmy, can’t play cops and robbers now, mommy’s reading the lithium ion user manual.”
  5. Down with the Noise Pollution

    • With electric cars, say goodbye to the beloved urban lullabies. The sounds of engines revving and horns honking may soon be nothing but a distant, pollutant-laden dream. Our children could actually hear themselves think. Or worse, hear us think. Spooky.

The Counter

  1. What’s a Little Smog Among Friends?

    • Sure, electric cars don’t belch out tailpipe toxins, but isn’t a bit of air pollution the price we pay for living in a society filled with the sweet freedom to keep oil executives swimming in cash?
  2. Battery Factories on Every Corner

    • As we migrate to electric cars, there’ll be a need for more batteries, which presents an opportunity for more factories. Because if there’s anything that screams ‘environmentally friendly’, it’s a good old factory churning out products.
  3. Silence Isn’t Golden, It’s Suspicious

    • The barely audible whisper of an electric car—is it not eerie? We need the cacophony of a gasoline engine to remind us we’re still alive, still contributing to the global symphony of noise pollution.
  4. Nostalgia Sells

    • There’s a certain charm to teaching kids about the ‘check engine’ light or the smell of burning oil. It’s character building! And potentially marketable nostalgia—“Eau De Exhaust,” anyone?
  5. Thinking Too Cleanly Is Dangerous

    • If we let our kids grow up in clean air with no pollution to cloud their judgement, they might actually start having ideas. Ideas like ‘renewable energy’ or ‘sustainable living’. And we can’t be having any of that nonsense, now can we?

The Hot Take

In conclusion, my liberal lambasting lads and ladies, it seems that, wonder of wonders, the air we breathe is kind of important—who knew? The real fix here is obvious: electric cars for kids. No, not those toy ones they can drive—actual, full-sized electric cars. Get ‘em started young, let ‘em know that the eco-friendly life is the only life.

Just imagine those tiny hands on the steering wheel, motoring down the sidewalks, cutting off pedestrians in the most environmentally conscious way possible. It’s a win-win! They get cleaner air, we get to be smug about it, and I get a new line of stand-up material!

Source: Electric cars could boost kids’ health, study finds