
New Hampshire: Your Quadrennial Reminder That Small Things Can Cause Big Headaches!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


Source: Morning Report — How will New Hampshire change ’24 GOP expectations?

The Details

Oh, gather ’round, folks! Let’s dive headfirst into the chaotic, circus-like spectacle that is the New Hampshire GOP dance-off, shall we? In what feels like a reality show titled “Who Wants to be a President?” we’ve seen the entire gamut run wild in the ‘Granite State’, desperately trying to woo voters with promises as sturdy as wet cardboard.

From what ‘The Hill’ reports, we’re watching potential candidates tie themselves in knots, trying to find that sweet spot between being ‘innovative’ and ‘not scaring conservative voters into the next state’. And, honestly, I’d buy front-row tickets to this show any day, because nothing says ‘democracy’ quite like watching grown adults grovel for approval in a state smaller than most national parks.

The Breakdown

  • New Hampshire: Smaller than a Kardashian’s walk-in closet, but with way more political clout.
    Let’s face it, New Hampshire could fit into Texas like a contact lens into a swimming pool, but every four years, it becomes the center of the political universe. Candidates flock there like seagulls to a boardwalk hotdog, each hoping to snatch the juiciest bit.
  • The GOP Carousel: Where every tune sounds suspiciously like ‘Money, Money, Money’ by ABBA.
    If you throw a penny in New Hampshire these days, you’ll hit a prospective GOP candidate. They’ve got more contenders than a ‘Game of Thrones’ fan convention, and each one’s got a smile so wide you’d think they were selling toothpaste.
  • Campaign Promotions: Because nothing says ‘I care about the common man’ like a branded koozie.
    Look out for taglines that’ll stick with you for about as long as that temporary tattoo from the state fair. With swag bags packed, they stump around small diners, all the while thinking, “Just two more handshakes until I can sanitize and escape to the Tesla.”
  • The ‘Shifting Positions’ Technique: Like a game of Twister, but less honest.
    Nothing says commitment like a candidate flipping positions faster than a short-order cook with pancakes. Betting which way they’ll lean next is the new New Hampshire primary pastime.
  • The ‘But What About the Issues?’ Guessing Game: Now with more deflection!
    Health care? Economy? Environment? Oh, you adorable idealist, thinking issues matter. Watch as the candidates masterfully dodge real policy discussion like a ninja deflecting shuriken at a skills expo.

The Counter

  • Size Doesn’t Matter (When It Comes to States): Ignore the Influence!
    Sure, New Hampshire may be tiny, but influence? Oh, it’s as heavy as a sumo wrestler on a see-saw. Because, in America, we value fairness – like deciding the fate of millions based on the opinions of a few thousand.
  • The More, The Merrier: Repeat Candidates Are Like Old Friends!
    It’s always a pleasure to see the same faces cycle through like bad sitcom re-runs. Familiarity breeds content, or was it contempt? Eh, tomato, tomahto.
  • Freebies for Everyone: Who Doesn’t Love Political Swag?
    It’s campaign season! Forget about the real issues – who can resist a bumper sticker or that pen that’s going to run out of ink before the next debate?
  • Policy Shmolicy: We Came Here to See Backflips!
    Who needs a steadfast position when you can have the excitement of unpredictability? The only real platform they need is the one they’re standing on when they say what the crowd wants to hear.
  • Issues, Schmissues: Avoiding Topics with the Grace of a Cat Avoiding a Bath!
    The true art of politics is in the evasion. Why bore voters with ‘plans’ when you can charm them with platitudes and warm handshakes?

The Hot Take

So, what’s the solution, you ask? How do we unscramble this political omelette, seasoned with the salt of voter’s tears? Simple: Make every candidate ride a mechanical bull set on ‘apocalypse’. First one to stay on for a full eight seconds while discussing actual policy wins!

This way, we ensure they not only have spine but can also multitask under pressure. Because, let’s face it, multitasking is what presidents do best – right after posing for photo-ops and mispronouncing foreign dignitaries’ names.

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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