Sergey Mironov’s Secession Solution: Because Texas Is Just One Big Matryoshka Doll Waiting to Pop!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


Source: Russian Lawmaker Offers to Help Texas Get Independence From US

The Details

In an act that’s about as subtle as a neon sign at a monastery, Russian lawmaker Sergey Mironov apparently looked at the vast pantheon of global issues and decided that what’s really missing in the world today is a little more… Texas. As in, independent Texas, floating off into the sunset like a cowboy in a Spaghetti Western.

Yes, folks, Mironov extends an offer to help Texas gain its independence from the US, in a gesture that’s equal parts chivalry and cheekiness. It’s a scenario so bizarre that you have to check your calendar to make sure it’s not April 1st. Here we stand, trying to unpack the layers of this political tiramisu, where the flavors of irony, strategy, and sheer absurdity are stacked higher than a Dallas cheerleader’s hair on game day.

The Breakdown

  • Big Bad Bear Hugs for Texas: Russia, ever the global peace ambassador, has set its caring gaze upon the Lone Star State. One can only assume that Mironov was struck by a profound bout of altruism when he offered to play fairy godmother to Texas’ Cinderella story of independence.
  • Everything’s Bigger in Texas – Including International Meddling: If Texas were a LinkedIn profile, it would now endorse itself for skills such as “attracting unsolicited political patronage.” Mironov’s proposal is like your nosy neighbor offering to fund your “escape” from your parents’ basement. Except in this case, your basement is Uncle Sam’s house, and the neighbor is known for bugging people’s phones.
  • Secession: Because History Classes Are Overrated Anyway: The American Civil War? Just a minor hiccup in history, according to Mironov. If at first you don’t succeed, just wait for a Russian politician to offer you a helping hand a few centuries later. Those who can’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it, but those who actively ignore it are apparently gunning for their own chapter.
  • Mother Russia’s Texas-Sized Adoption Ambitions: Mironov seems to think that adopting Texas is the next best step after annexing Crimea. Maybe it will be followed by facilitating California’s secession to achieve that long-desired Russian Pacific port. Or perhaps they’ll sponsor Hawaii’s departure to finally have a vacation spot without visa hassle.
  • The Texas Two-Step with a Russian Twist: It seems like Mironov is proposing a new dance move, one where you swing your partner round and round until they drift into another country’s sphere of influence. Yeehaw, comrade!

The Counter

  • The Charity Case Called America: It’s touching, really, how Mother Russia, with all her own economic and political stability, finds the time to worry about Texas. The bear’s embrace is known for its warmth, right up until you realize it’s suffocating.
  • Democracy’s New Clothes – Sponsored by Russia: Because when you think “a longstanding beacon of democracy,” who comes to mind quicker than Russia? They’ve got a whole closet full of “democracy wear” that’s surely the envy of the international community.
  • DIY Secession Kits, Now in Russian Flavor! Has Mironov started a new side hustle? Is this the teleshopping segment where he pitches a “DIY Secession Kit: Russian Edition” that includes a map, a flag, and a direct line to the Kremlin?
  • Unsolicited Advice – Better than Spam Calls?: At least when your phone carrier drops a call, they don’t suggest you might be happier with a different country managing your cell service. Mironov’s offer is the geopolitical equivalent of getting a service change suggestion in the midst of a dropped call.
  •’s “Discover Your Country’s Roots” Package: Did someone do one of those ancestry DNA tests for countries and find a sliver of Russian lineage in Texas? Is that why Uncle Sergey feels the compelling need to reach out? Or perhaps this is the pilot for a new reality show: “Who Do You Think You Stated?”

The Hot Take

Now, I’m about as Russian as a hamburger with a side of freedom fries, but here’s The Hot Take: Maybe, just maybe, in a wild stroke of genius, we can go ahead and fix our own statehood issues without involving international spectators-turned-puppeteers.

How about we double-down on our American experiment, where every state sticks together through thick and thin, like a family reunion where even crazy Uncle Bob is welcome? It’s a place where we handle our own backyard squabbles without putting up a “Help Wanted” sign for foreign powers.

So let’s saddle up, grab a metaphorical lasso, and wrangle our issues with good old-fashioned democratic due process. And to the world’s busybody nations out there: don’t worry, we’ve got a “No Solicitation” sign on our door.

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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