Holding Our Breath for Democracy: The Freedom Caucus’ Guide to Governmental Asphyxiation

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The Details

In the latest episode of what could easily be mistaken for a revived season of the political satire The West Wing, if Aaron Sorkin had a very dark sense of humor, the Freedom Caucus has once again decided to waltz into the grand old party of Capitol Hill like they own the place. This time, they’re floating the idea of a government shutdown, because, hey, nothing says ‘we care’ like a boatload of federal employees wondering how to pay their mortgage.

The protagonist, or antagonist — depending on how you cherish your political tragicomedies — is our very own Mike Johnson, hailed by some as a modern-day Robin Hood, taking government functionality, and essentially holding it hostage for the sake of, well, democracy?

The Breakdown

  • Leadership Skills 101: How to Run a Country into the Ground
    Mike Johnson and his Freedom Caucus pals have seemingly taken ‘leadership’ lessons from that one boss we’ve all had. You know, the one who throws a wrench in the works on a Friday afternoon and then skips town. There’s great potential here for a new leadership book: “Management by Chaos: Instilling True Freedom by Threatening Shutdowns.”
  • Fiscal Responsibility: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Debt Ceiling
    Nothing says fiscal responsibility quite like flirting with the idea of not paying your bills. The Freedom Caucus suggests that the act of potentially defaulting is akin to a budgetary diet. Sure, because when your credit score plummets, it’s just shedding those pesky points, right?
  • Economic Roulette: Because Who Doesn’t Love a Gamble?
    The wisdom being dispensed here is akin to coming to Vegas, betting your house on red, and then insisting that the Roulette wheel is rigged when it lands on black. The government shutdown threat is akin to betting essential public services and stability. Spin the wheel and hope for the best!
  • Popularity Contest: Winning Friends and Influencing Nobody
    The Freedom Caucus seems to be under the impression that a government shutdown would be a smashing hit with the voters. After all, is there anything more endearing than creating economic uncertainty and widespread inconvenience? They must be banking on the adage, “Any press is good press!”
  • Democracy in Action: The Art of Subtle Sabotage
    If democracy was a car, the Freedom Caucus is that helpful neighbor that ‘fixes’ it by cutting the brake lines. The ideal scenario, apparently, is ensuring the vehicle of government is just safe enough to get to the edge of the cliff but not quite safety-tested to go the distance.

The Counter

  • The Art of the Deal: Or, How I Learned to Love Starving the Beast
    The cunning play here is akin to skipping lunch to save for dinner, but in this case, dinner might also be canceled. The brilliant long-term strategy involves potentially compromising services which they’ll later criticize for being ineffective. Talk about foresight!
  • Building Bridges by Burning Them
    You’ve heard of building bridges, well, the Freedom Caucus is innovating with their ‘burn first, ask questions while it’s collapsing’ policy. It’s a novel approach to infrastructure and relationships that’s bound to leave a lasting impression.
  • The Joy of Missing Paychecks
    It’s a heartwarming thought that through the proposed shutdown, federal employees could discover the joy of minimalism by involuntarily participating in ‘No Spend November’. It’s like a mandatory financial cleanse!
  • The Legislative Time Machine
    Going back to simpler times is all the rage. The Freedom Caucus seems to be in possession of a legislative DeLorean, aiming to take us back to the era when a government shutdown was just an ordinary part of the calendar year.
  • The Anti-Establishment Establishment
    They’re the rebels with a cause, and that cause is to rebel against the very institution they’re a part of. It’s not just meta; it’s a revolutionary act of self-sabotage, from the inside out. They’re not just in the system, they’re ironically upending it with glee.

The Hot Take

If we’ve learned anything from these political squabbles, it’s that the solution to our problems is not doing what we’ve always done but with more pizazz. I mean, why settle for a government shutdown when you can throw in a fireworks display and a marching band? But if we’re going to address the issue with the seriousness of a liberal comedian armed with a rubber chicken and a whoopee cushion of wisdom, let’s consider some options.

Perhaps we could start with a basic lesson – like how ‘compromise’ isn’t the name of a new iPhone app but rather something you do to keep the lights on. And maybe, just maybe, we throw in a little bit of that kumbaya spirit that gets everyone in the same room, singing slightly off-key, but together! They say laughter is the best medicine, but at this point, a sprinkle of common sense might just be the miracle cure we’re all hoping for.

Source: Freedom Caucus raises government shutdown risk

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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