Biden to Celebrate Next Inauguration with Metamucil Toast – Cheers to Regularity and Fiscal Responsibility

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


Source: Poll: Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term

The Details

So, let’s talk turkey here. A new poll comes out and surprise, surprise, it says that most Americans think President Biden might just be a smidgen too old for a victory lap at the Oval Office. I mean, it’s not like the guy’s using a walker to get to the podium, but apparently, America’s worried he might mistake the nuclear codes for his garage door opener. They’ve got this image of their grandpa’s forgetful moments and suddenly it’s all casting a shadow over the esteemed halls of the White House.

“The Breakdown”

  • Biden’s Age: The latest hot gossip is that Joe’s birthday candles might just be a fire hazard at this point. Truth be told, the man’s been around long enough to remember when Congress could pass a bill without a full-blown circus act. But heck, with age comes wisdom, right? Or in politics, apparently, just more skepticism.
  • Public Opinion: So, we’ve consulted the almighty oracle – the poll. The poll’s never wrong, right? Just like that time it crowned President Hillary in ’16… oh, wait. Nonetheless, the people have spoken, and what they’re chanting is that Joe’s had more birthdays than they’d like a Commander-in-Chief to admit to.
  • Electability Factor: When did ‘ability to stay awake during a State of the Union’ become a top prerequisite for the presidency? Oh, that’s right, always. But folks, let’s be honest – some of the greatest ideas are born from napping. Just ask Edison or even Churchill. They napped; they conquered.
  • The Youth Movement: It’s fine, America wants someone younger. Someone who understands TikTok, not just Woodstock. We get it, you don’t want a president who thinks ‘streaming’ is a fishing technique.
  • Experience Vs. Vigor: Here’s the deal – Biden’s been in the game long enough to have a dinosaur named after him. The man’s got experience coming out of his ears. But the people are craving that New Car smell – vigor, enthusiasm, and the ability to discuss cryptocurrencies without calling it “the bitcoin.”

“The Counter”

  • Biden’s Vintage Charm: Now hold your horses – Biden’s like that vintage wine in the cellar – sure, it’s aged, but that’s where the flavor’s at! Who needs youthful zest when you’ve mastered the art of political fermentation?
  • Poll Schmoll: Again with the polls? If I had a nickel for every poll that said the sky was falling, I’d have enough to buy a Senate seat in a small Midwestern state. Plus, consider the source – I mean, who exactly are they polling? People with landlines? The only people I know with landlines are either telemarketers or… oh, people Biden’s age.
  • Sleep as Strategy: Who says dozing off is a bad thing? Maybe he’s not sleeping; maybe he’s deeply contemplating, entering a zen-like state to conjure up solutions for world peace.
  • TikTok Diplomacy: You want a president that can whip and nae nae their way through foreign policy? Besides, can you imagine international treaties being decided on Snapchat streaks? Scratch that, don’t imagine it.
  • The Odyssey of Experience: I’ll take an old hand at the wheel before a fresh face who thinks ‘bipartisan’ is a type of exotic plant. Wisdom isn’t won through an Instagram filter, kids. It comes with, you guessed it, a few gray hairs.

The Hot Take

Here’s the steamy scoop from the liberal pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. What we need is a bit of that TV magic. Let’s slap a filter on Joe – maybe spruce him up with one of those apps that shaves 30 years off your face. Let’s not just lean liberal, but capitalize on the science of rejuvenation. If CGI can make De Niro look 30 again, then we can give Biden the screen presence of a sprightly action hero, swinging through legislation like Tarzan in a suit.

We could even sweeten the deal with a running mate that’s so fresh, they’ll get carded at R-rated movies. Biden can be the wise wizard, and the VP can be the youthful hero on a quest to slay the dragon of political discord. We’re talking liberal alchemy, mixing the old-school elixir with a shot of millennial espresso. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Let’s just be sure the tricks aren’t too radical, or he might throw out his back.

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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