The Biden Bench Bonanza: Now Serving Diversity with a Side of Justice

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

Let’s take a jaunt into the world of judicial appointments, where President Biden is breaking the mold by nominating the very first Hispanic judge, Nancy Maldonado, to the venerable 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago. Now, this isn’t just any court, folks—it’s as bustling as O’Hare International on a holiday weekend, but with fewer lost bags and more legally binding decisions. Nancy’s about to step into a role that has “historical significance” written all over it, and not just in the footnotes of some law student’s thesis.

The Breakdown

  1. Another Historic First

    • Because nothing screams “America” quite like having a bunch of “firsts” in the 2020s. It’s almost as if we’ve been dragging our feet or something. Nancy Maldonado waltzes into the courtroom, making history, while the rest of us wonder, “Wait, it’s 2024, how is she the first Hispanic judge here?”
  2. Filling the Judiciary Shoes

    • Nancy has some big robes to fill, given she’s potentially the warm body replacing retiring judges who may or may not have used a quill pen during their tenure. The judiciary shuffle is like musical chairs, only less fun and with more consequences.
  3. Diversity Checkbox

    • Ah yes, our favorite American pastime: diversity. It’s almost like we’re collecting Pokémon cards—gotta catch ’em all: the first Black judge, the first woman judge, the first Hispanic judge. It’s like a judicial diversity bingo, and Nancy’s our latest number called.
  4. The Biden Stamp

    • Here’s Biden, putting his stamp on the judiciary with the subtlety of a sledgehammer at an ice sculpture contest. Old Joe is carving out his legacy, one historic appointment at a time, but let’s face it—this is less about art and more about ensuring the court doesn’t slip back into the Stone Age.
  5. The Opposition’s Lament

    • You know somewhere, someone is furiously typing into an ancient desktop about how this appointment is the end of all things fair and balanced. Nancy hasn’t even donned the judge’s robes, and already keyboards are clacking in revolt. Because, of course, meritocracy only counts when you’ve been in the majority since, well, forever.

The Counter

  1. Another “Unqualified” Appointment

    • Clearly, Nancy Maldonado’s decades of courtroom experience and a breadth of legal knowledge are just smoke and mirrors. After all, everyone with an uncle in law school knows more about the legal system, right?
  2. Diluting the Judgement Juice

    • Heaven forbid the bench becomes too diverse and starts reflecting the actual population. No, let’s keep it as homogeneous as a gallon of store-brand milk. Wouldn’t want too many different perspectives spoiling the judicial broth, now would we?
  3. The Political Playbook

    • Obviously, this is just Biden playing politics. Because before now, judicial appointments were as apolitical as a church bake sale. Everyone knows those robes are just Democrat or Republican team jerseys in a very drab color palette.
  4. Meritocracy Meltdown

    • Obviously Nancy just waltzed into the role on the coattails of ‘liberal agenda’. Nevermind her experience; what’s really important is how she plays into the doomsday narrative of talk radio hosts everywhere.
  5. The Tradition Takedown

    • With every progressive judicial appointment, a founding father allegedly rolls in his grave. Or at least, that’s what the traditionalists would have you believe, as if every court must be a historical reenactment of 1789.

The Hot Take

Well, well, well, if the judicial system isn’t suddenly moving at breakneck speed to look like the melting pot we brag about in the brochures. Nancy Maldonado is not just taking the bench; she’s taking a hammer to the glass ceiling and showing little girls everywhere that yes, you too can interpret the Constitution one day—if you can first navigate the labyrinth of American politics and legal career gymnastics.

In my unmistakably liberal, quasi-radical, unapologetically Black trademark T-shirt, the path to fixing this so-called problem isn’t by nominating a token minority here and there but by continuing this train of “firsts” until they’re no longer newsworthy. Let’s make it rain with so many diverse appointments that “first Hispanic judge” carries the same shock value as a weather report predicting wind in Chicago. That, my friends, is progress.

I mean, shouldn’t the real problem here be that we’re still having firsts of anything? Come on, America, let’s do the time warp and catch up with the present. The courtroom should be less like a relic showcase and more like a sample platter of the rich cultural smorgasbord that is our nation. Let the gavel be passed as frequently as opinions at a family dinner. It’s time for more seasoning in the judiciary stew, and Nancy Maldonado is just the start.

Source: Biden to nominate first Hispanic judge on Chicago-based court of appeals

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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