Survival of the Fittest: A Modern Guide to Forgetting Your Phone Charger

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

Alright, kids, gather ’round. It’s Uncle Lewis here, comin’ at ya with some tips on what to do when you find yourself in the great outdoors, sans civilization. These aren’t your grandma’s cozy camping tricks with the extra-fluffy sleeping bag and the marshmallows roasting over a controlled flame. Nah, this is about survival, baby. This hardcore guide we’re dissecting today comes in the form of an article called “How To Survive In The Wilderness,” which is pretty self-explanatory unless you were expecting a recipe for quiche.

The Breakdown

  • Scotty, Beam Me Up: No Tech Allowed
    Ah, nature. So peaceful, so serene, and so… where the hell’s the Wi-Fi signal? The article suggests that out in the wild, you can’t rely on your gadgets. You’ve gotta use your noggin instead of your Google-fu. Can’t FaceTime the local bear for directions, bud.
  • The Berry Diet: Twig and Berries Chic Cuisine
    We’ve come to realize that munching on unknown flora could make you an urgent customer of Mother Nature’s gastrointestinal rodeo. But hey, according to our survival manual here, you may get to play Russian roulette with berries! Remember: some might make you stronger; others might treat you to the last supper with Johnny Appleseed.
  • Tarp Couture: High Fashion in The Branches
    Our fine piece of wilderness journalism points out that if you can’t find shelter, make like a designer on ‘Project Runway’ and whip up something using a tarp. If Tim Gunn were here, he’d tell you to “make it work” with leaves and branches. Next thing you know, Vogue’s featuring the latest in twig-and-leaf headwear.
  • Bear Conversations: What Not To Say
    Apparently, cracking the wrong joke in front of a bear is a no-no—who knew? The article advises against trying to outrun or outclimb your furry woodland pals. Instead, channel your inner Zen master, stay calm, and back away slowly. Do not—I repeat, do not—attempt to critique their salmon-catching techniques.
  • Staying Found: Marco Polo’s Lousy at Hide and Seek
    The genius guidance here is not to get lost in the first place—brilliant! If by some fluke you do end up as the lead actor in your own survival drama, try not to play hide and seek with the search and rescue team. Bright colors are in; earth tones are so last season if you want to be spotted.

The Counter

  • Gadget Envy: Because Who Needs Stars When You’ve Got Pixels?
    Honestly, why bother looking up at the night sky when you’ve got an app for that? Don’t waste your time learning constellations when there’s likely a dying phone in your pocket that could’ve told you the same thing.
  • Gourmet Foraging: Or You Could Just Eat Snails
    Anyone can pick berries. But it takes real guts—quite literally—to feast on escargot à la woodland floor. Why settle for fruits when you’ve got a buffet of bugs and bark? High in protein, gluten-free, and no reservations required!
  • Makeover Time: Tarp is the New Black
    If you’ve got a tarp and some parachute cord, why stop at shelter? Accessorize, people! Let’s see some flair. Nature’s catwalk awaits your avant-garde interpretation of survival chic.
  • Play Dead: Becoming Besties with Bears
    They say don’t run, but a spirited game of dead man might just be the next best icebreaker. Show that bear you’ve got the guts (figuratively speaking) to challenge it to a game of who can be the most comatose. Winner gets bragging rights and maybe their limbs intact.
  • Discoverable Fashion: Flares Are the New Stripes
    Forget bright colors. If you’re really wanting to stand out, light up a flare. Smoke signals are so last millennium. Besides, nothing says “I’ve got this handled” like inadvertently starting a new forest fire for attention.

The Hot Take

In conclusion, if we want to address the grim reality of human beings venturing into the wild unprepared, we might consider a few things. Like possibly informing people that just because they watched a whole season of “Survivor” doesn’t mean they’re ready to wrangle scorpions barehanded. Or maybe instead of building more shopping malls, invest in some community survival courses, taught by none other than someone who has actually slept under the stars and not just at the Four Seasons.

As a society, let’s embrace the idea that while technology is dandy, knowing how to navigate nature without a smartphone could be the difference between an epic adventure tale and becoming an episode on “I Shouldn’t Be Alive.”

Source: How To Survive In The Wilderness

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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