Trump in a Hurry: Outpacing the Law or Just Skipped Leg Day?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Details

In the grand circus of American politics, where normalcy is as scarce as a unicorn at a donkey show, the maestro himself, Mr. Donald J. Trump, is apparently trying to yank the Republican nomination from the jaws of democracy quicker than a fat cat on a tuna steak. According to our wishful thinker Hutchinson, Trump is pulling up his knickers to beat the oncoming storm – and no, it’s not climate change he’s worried about. This storm’s got subpoenas and hearings written all over it. It’s the storm of legal and political challenges that’s been brewing since someone left the Capitol dome ajar and let reality slip in.

The Breakdown

  • March to the Beat of the Impeachment Drums: Trump’s ears must be finely tuned to the rhythm of potential legal challenges, much like a bat navigating the Cave of Consequences. You gotta hand it to him; nothing says ‘innocent stroll in the park’ like racing to secure your seat before the music stops and the feds pull up a chair.
  • The Early Bird Catches the Worm, or Avoids the Gavel: They say the early bird gets the worm, but in this case, Trump is more like the bird trying to get the nomination in its beak before the hunters arrive. And these hunters are wearing robes and wielding gavels.
  • Building Fortresses Don’t Require Permits Anymore: Trump’s campaign seems less like a series of strategic moves and more like a kid hurriedly building a fort before his big brother arrives to trounce it. Securing the nomination is like planting the big ol’ Trump flag on top – now let’s see who dares to knock it down.
  • Campaigning Like There’s No Tomorrow (Because There Might Not Be): The urgency in Trump’s campaign suggests that someone’s told him tomorrow’s been canceled due to unforeseen accountability. So, it’s best to campaign like you’ve got nothing to lose – mainly because, well, you just might.
  • Avoiding Eye Contact with Lady Justice: Trump is the new Houdini, an escape artist trying to slip out of dem handcuffs of justice before the magician – that’s the legal system – says, ‘Abra Cadaver!’ But hey, avoiding eye contact somehow makes it seem like you’re not really there, right?

The Counter

  • All Aboard the Trump Train, Watch Your Step!: The Trump train is back, except this time it’s less of a luxury liner and more of a getaway car. And in true style, the conductor is yelling “All aboard!” while discreetly glancing over his shoulder.
  • The ‘Too Big to Jail’ Philosophy: Trump’s operating on the ‘Too Big to Jail’ business model which, surprisingly, is not a chapter from ‘The Art of the Deal.’ It’s more of a whisper in the ear from the ghost of politicians past.
  • Record Speed Nomination: Guinness World Records, Are You Watching? No one has ever secured a political nomination faster than Trump in the Quick Draw Nomination Championships. It’s like high noon at the GOP Corral, but the sheriff’s clock is broken.
  • The Teflon Don Approach to Sticky Situations: They say nothing sticks to Teflon – similar to how scandals, impeachments, and subpoenas just slide right off Trump. He’s cooking up a storm and nothing’s going to burn. Not even those socks he’s been wearing since the last election.
  • Fortifying the Republican Castle with Trump-Brand Cement: In a world where political allegiances are as stable as a Jenga tower in an earthquake, Trump’s shoring up his castle with good ol’ Trump-branded cement. It’s made from the finest crushed hopes and partisan fears.

The Hot Take

If you want a mess cleaned up, you don’t send in the guy who spills his drinks and denies it even as the stains set. But fear not, dear democracy enthusiasts, for there’s always a liberal antidote to the conservative flu. Here’s a four-step guide to sanitation:

  1. Educate the masses with something less snooze-inducing than C-SPAN. Maybe infuse CBS with HBO, get some dragons in Congress.
  2. Offer free truth serum in every happy meal. With a side of facts fries.
  3. Replace the Electoral College with the Electoral High School – at least teenagers are rebellious by nature.
  4. Turn tax returns into a reality TV show. Highest ratings get you audited, live!

Source: Hutchinson says Trump wants to wrap up nomination soon ‘because he knows the storm clouds are gathering over him’

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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