Hide and Go Seek Justice: The Congresswoman’s Guide to Familial Irony

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The Details

In the merry, merry land of politics, our esteemed Congresswoman, Lauren Boebert, has once again graced the headlines with a plot twist worthy of a daytime Emmy. Mere hours before her offspring found himself within the iron embrace of Johnny Law, Boebert was spending her valuable time—because, you know, running a nation is a part-time gig—lashing out at the so-called ‘Biden Crime Family’. Oh, the irony—delicious, isn’t it?

Our beloved lawmaker’s familial tree shook just enough to drop an apple right next to the tree trunk, if you catch my drift. Yep, even as Boebert cast stones from her glass domicile, her progeny was out there doing his best to put the ‘criminal’ in nepotism.

The Breakdown

  • Glass Houses & Stone Throwing: Isn’t it just adorable when you rail against crime in the morning only to have your evening plans upended because you’ve got to pick up your kid from the clinker? It’s like yelling about how dry your house is whilst holding a lit match next to the curtains.

    Specifics: Clearly the universe has a sense of humor here—what are the odds that just as you’re decrying corruption, your own kin is providing a perfect illustration for your argument? High enough, apparently.

  • ‘Crime Family’ Redefined: A politician attacking another family for being lawless is such a novel approach, and it never gets old. It’s just typically convenient to ensure your own household isn’t currently starring in an episode of “Cops.”

    Specifics: This might be Mother Nature’s way of reminding us that karma is not just a nightclub down by Capitol Hill.

  • The Art of Distraction: Focus on the ‘Biden Crime Family’ folks, nothing to see in the Boebert household! I mean, why look at the spec in your brother’s eye when you’ve got a plank in your own, right?

    Specifics: In the grand spectacle of politics, this is the part where the magician wows you with a dazzling trick whilst picking your pocket.

  • Jr.’s Bond: We’re launching a new 007 franchise starring the youthful Boebert—’James Bonding Out of Jail’. It has all the espionage, excitement, and family drama we never knew we needed.

    Specifics: Tune in to watch our hero infiltrate the highest levels of law enforcement with nothing but a parentally-provided bail bond and a sense of entitlement.

  • The Melodrama of Morality: If you’re going to make a public stand about law and order, it’s probably good showmanship to ensure you’re not expecting a ‘collect call’ from the local precinct.

    Specifics: Our congresswoman might be award-worthy in her role as the pot calling the kettle black. Bravo on the performance, but the critics are not kind.

The Counter

  • The Apple Falls Far, Far Away: They say an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but maybe this particular apple was shot out of a cannon. Fortunate trajectory, kid.

    Specifics: The counterargument here is that Junior was simply engaged in an avant-garde performance art piece titled ‘Escape from Accountability’.

  • The Real Crime Family: Just a reminder, the ‘Biden Crime Family’ might have stolen the president’s favorite Ray-Bans or jaywalked once or twice. Those hardened criminals!

    Specifics: Goodness, can you imagine the scrapes Hunter must have gotten into to equal such a level of delinquency? Did he forget to rewind his Blockbuster rentals too?

  • Good Cop, Bad Cop: Maybe it’s just tough love from Boebert. Maybe she thought she could get the ‘bad cop’ thing out of the way and let the real police handle the ‘good cop’ routine?

    Specifics: The Boebert family strategy could just be a new-age parenting tactic that we’re all too archaic to understand.

  • All Publicity is Good Publicity: Who cares if it’s about breaking the law? All eyes on Boebert! And I bet the fundraising emails are already auto-written.

    Specifics: In our reality-TV political climate, infamy is the new black. Orange is just for jumpsuits now.

  • Playing the Long Game: Maybe this is a strategic ploy. In 2040, America will look back on this and say, “Remember when Junior only did that?”

    Specifics: By then, Boebert Jr.’s escapades might seem like quaint footnotes in the political memoirs, charming anecdotes amidst a sea of far more thrilling scandals.

The Hot Take

The moral of our story? If you’re going to talk the talk about law and order, make sure your familial ducks are neatly aligned in an overly disciplined row. It just might spare you the blushes when one goes rogue. Perhaps we could take this comedic detour through hypocritopia as a prompt to get our own houses in order—figuratively and literally. To ‘fix’ this sort of issue, maybe start a subscription to ‘Parenting Weekly: The Politician Edition’.

A little foresight, a hint of humility, and a dose of self-awareness could go a long way. Just try not to enact policy on a stage that could easily double as your own family’s courtroom drama. Otherwise, you might just end up the lead in a slapstick comedy that no one’s laughing with, but at.

Source: Lauren Boebert Attacks ‘Biden Crime Family’ Hours Before Her Son’s Arrest

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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