The Misfit Scion: A Rhodes Scholar of Political Puzzles

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In an astounding twist of familial defiance that sounds more like a rejected sitcom pitch than reality, we have Mr. Dakota Rhodes, the offspring of Stewart Rhodes, the notorious founder of the Oath Keepers, slinging his political hat in the ring, and hold onto your liberal lattes, he’s doing it as a Democrat. That’s right, the world must have spun off its axis.

Dakota, presumably not content with his father’s extremist legacy, has taken a 180-degree turn attempting to paint his own swath through the muddy waters of politics. But you gotta wonder, is he navigating by the North Star of sincere progressive values, or is this just another episode of political Punk’d?

The Breakdown

  • Defying Daddy Dearest
    Surely, when Papa Rhodes was building his militia-inspired résumé, he didn’t pencil in “inspire liberal politician progeny” under long-term goals. Dakota seems to be gunning (metaphorically, folks) for a seat in office with policy ideas that are about as cozy with his father’s ideology as a cat is with a bubble bath.

  • The Name Game
    It’s a tough play when you’ve got the same last name as someone who’d probably consider the term ‘gun control’ to be fighting words. Yet, here’s Dakota, potentially rehearsing for debates with a family crest that might as well feature a pair of crossed AR-15s. Voter confusion, or the makings of a killer campaign button?

  • A Renegade Among Us
    Dakota’s political ambitions may feel like a spy novel plot twist, or the secret double life of a character in a soap opera – except the drama is depressingly real, and the supporting cast consists of actual voters instead of paid extras.

  • Familial Loyalties Aside
    It isn’t often you see a Rhino try to join the elephants, or in this case, a Rhodes trying to sit with the donkeys. Dakota is acting about as conforming to his family’s political ideology as tofu at a Texas barbecue – out of place and likely to be ignored.

  • The Tangled Web of Politics
    If ever there were a case of “you can’t choose your family but you can choose your party,” Dakota Rhodes is living it louder than a bullhorn at a protest. The question isn’t just whether he can distance himself from his father’s shadow, but if voters will let him step out of it.

The Counter

  • A Chip Off The Old Blockade
    Some might argue Dakota’s just playing a long con. After all, what better cover for plotting to infiltrate the left than operating under the guise of a reformed rebel with an all-too-familiar last name?

  • It’s All In the Name
    Perhaps the Rhodes name brings just enough infamy to make people stop and listen before running for the hills. Could it be all publicity is good publicity, even when it’s linked to a militia?

  • Reverse Psychology Works Wonders
    Is Dakota employing the most brazen reverse psychology tactic since a parent last told their kid they couldn’t have the toy they obviously wanted? Run as a Democrat, and watch as the world tilts trying to make sense of it.

  • Blood Is Thicker Than Policy
    Some say you can’t escape your bloodline, but Dakota is slipperier than an eel in an oil slick when it comes to sliding away from the familial fringe. Maybe, just maybe, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree; it just took a ride on a different current.

  • The Pied Piper of the Unexpected
    Dakota Rhodes, the enigmatic piper, might have voters following his tune out of sheer curiosity. Will they dive off the cliff of their political convictions, or is Dakota playing a tune they didn’t know they wanted to hear?

The Hot Take

Listen folks, if a Rhodes can become a Democrat, then maybe cats and dogs living together isn’t that far off. Let’s face it, we’re in a political climate where it seems the best way to fix things is to just do the unexpected. Want to heal the nation? Elect someone whose very candidacy makes you double-take and then question everything you thought you knew about politics.

It’s like adding jalapeños to your morning coffee – it might just be the wake-up call we need. And let’s be real, if Dakota can pull this off, maybe we can too. We can start embracing the most unlikely allies, build a bridge of hope and sail over that tumultuous sea of political divide – even if we have to hold our nose while we cross it. So go ahead, Dakota, make us laugh or make us cringe, but damn it, make us hope that change really can come from the most unexpected places.

Source: Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes’ Son Is Running For Office—as a Democrat

Jared Mejia: A decade in the trenches of political writing for many outlets. Master of translating political doubletalk into snarky English. Wields sarcasm and caffeine with equal proficiency, slicing through spin with a razor-sharp wit.

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