Science is a Lie, But This Kooky Electoral Demographic Sure Isn’t!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The political landscape has always been a fertile ground for an assortment of characters. From die-hard idealists to the unapologetically opportunistic, it’s a human zoo. But just when you thought you’ve seen it all, a new tribe emerges: the RFK Jr. voters. This peculiar species has bemused spectators by crossing party lines with the grace of a rhino on roller skates.

According to a recent excavation, politely termed a “study,” published in The Times, these voters are an intriguing mix of conspiracy theorists and throwback hippies who’ve somehow concocted a political identity that’s as coherent as your grandpa’s WiFi password.

The Breakdown

  • A Hearty Dose of Paranoia Sprinkled with Organic Non-GMO Salt
    The article paints RFK Jr. voters as a group who trust their backyard compost heaps more than the government. They sling around words like “Big Pharma” and “mainstream media” while sipping probiotic shakes and claiming their gut health tells them more about policy than actual facts.

  • Cherry-Picking Their Way Through Reality
    These voters have the remarkable talent of weaving through facts like a slalom skier dodging pine trees. If a fact fits their narrative, it’s golden. If not, it’s obviously a fabrication à la carte by the reptilian elite.

  • Feeling The Bern But Only When It’s Convenient
    They loved Bernie’s anti-establishment vibe but weren’t necessarily on board with all that “workable policies” drudgery. They champion social justice when it’s hashtag-able but get conspicuously silent when it’s time for the gritty, less glamorous grunt work.

  • The ‘Educated’ Vote
    Often proudly wielding college degrees like a knight’s shield, they seem to believe academia has endowed them with the ability to see through political fog like some sort of bureaucratic Daredevil, all while missing the irony that expertise and factual knowledge are exactly what they often refute.

  • Political Pickleball
    With a paddle in each hand, these voters smack ideology back and forth over a net of convenience. They protest big corporate greed one day and then stock their apocalypse bunkers with Costco bulk goods the next, because, you know, gotta be practical.

The Counter

  • Down with the Establishment, Up with Artisanal Government
    Who needs a stable, structured government when you can have one that changes its policies based on the phases of the moon and public opinion on kombucha efficacy?

  • Facts: The Other F-Word
    Let’s face it, scientific studies are just so yesterday. Intuition is the new IQ, haven’t you heard? The gut is the new brain. Clearly, centuries of empirical evidence just can’t be trusted like a good-old fashioned hunch.

  • Policy Schmolicy, Bring in the Vibes
    Because why bother with the intricacies of policy when you can power a whole nation on positive vibes, right? And while we’re at it, let’s replace the Senate with a drum circle.

  • Higher Education: It’s Where Facts Go to Die
    Indeed, why waste time learning, when you can just ‘know’? Books are just trees that were sacrificed for the deep state agenda, anyway.

  • Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds
    Sticking to one side or another is for plebs. The real geniuses of our time are those who can effortlessly zigzag across the political spectrum with the elegance of a drunk mosquito.

The Hot Take

The RFK Jr. voters, wrapped in their enigma, served with a side of quinoa, might just be the political shake-up nobody asked for. To mend this mayhem, here’s a masterstroke: let’s introduce mandatory classes in critical thinking. But we won’t call it ‘education’ – too mainstream. Let’s brand it “Enlightenment Unplugged” or “Consciousness Café.” Throw in a couple of sporadic truth bombs with a healthy serving of reality, topped with a cherry of accountability, and voilà, you have a recipe for an electorate that might actually make sense.

Crack open that kombucha, nibble on your gluten-free biscuit, and brace for a crash course in common sense. Our nation’s hope might just lie in the hands of our next-generation artisanal activists, provided they can navigate the murky waters of actual policymaking. Now, doesn’t that give you a warm, fuzzy, all-inclusive feeling inside? Or maybe that’s just indigestion. Hard to tell.

Source: Who Are the RFK Jr. Voters?

Jared Mejia: A decade in the trenches of political writing for many outlets. Master of translating political doubletalk into snarky English. Wields sarcasm and caffeine with equal proficiency, slicing through spin with a razor-sharp wit.

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