How to Backpedal Through Time and Policy: A Viktor Orbán Story

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In a world where satire meets reality, we find Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s Prime Minister, not content with merely running his own country, now has cast his eyes upon reshaping Europe with the subtlety of a sledgehammer at a glassware convention. As Hungary takes the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, Orbán’s political maneuvers are about as delicate as a bull in a china shop attempting to play Jenga.

The article originally from Politico describes his unapologetic stroll toward a more ‘illiberal’ Europe, where traditional values clash with the rainbow flags of progressiveness like a stormtrooper at a Star Wars convention – noticeable, awkward, and strangely out of place.

The Breakdown

  • Viktor The Great European Tamer: Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, only instead of a rabbit, it’s a grandiose plan to make Europe reflect his own ideological wardrobe – nationalist, conservative, and tighter than his grip on Hungary’s democracy.


    • Orbán, in his stint at the head of the EU table, aims to recalibrate the compass of Europe, turning it from liberal democracy to his brand of “illiberal democracy”. Isn’t the ‘illiberal democracy’ an oxymoron? Like jumbo shrimp or honest politician?

  • The Migration Magician: If Orbán had a superpower, it would be his uncanny ability to conflate migration with the apocalypse. Why embrace diversity when you can build a wall and tout it as the Eighth Wonder of the World?


    • The man takes pride in keeping borders tighter than airport security post-liquid ban. Orbán’s message is clear: “Keep out.” Unless you’re capital, investment, or tourists with Euros to spend. Money is the universal visa, right?

  • “Old Europe, New Values”, Sponsored by the Past: Orbán’s mission to peddle the concept of ‘traditional values’ has as much subtlety as neon lights in an Amish community. He wants to flash-back Europe to a time when the phrase ‘till death do us part’ was taken both seriously and literally.


    • With a fixation on family and faith, Orbán advocates for a Europe that looks inward, possibly with a mirror borrowed from Snow White’s Evil Queen. Snow White might say: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the most restricted human rights of them all?”

  • Democracy Lite: Like a diet version of governance, where fewer calories mean fewer rights. Orbán’s Hungary is now serving “Democracy Lite”, perfect for those who find full-fledged freedom just a tad overwhelming.


    • Hungary under Orbán has been nibbling away at democratic norms like they were hors d’oeuvres at a cocktail party. The only difference – nobody’s enjoying this party, except maybe Orbán and friends.

  • Free Press? That’s so 20th Century: In Viktor’s world, the free press is as welcome as a vegan at a steakhouse. Just like his ideal Europe, the media is free, as long as it’s freely choosing to praise him.


    • Hungary’s press landscape has seen more consolidation than a monopoly game at a corporate retreat. Independent journalism? That’s the real endangered species in Orbán’s Europe.

The Counter

  • “Make Europe Hungary Again!”: Because who wouldn’t want to feel like they’re living in a renaissance faire ruled by a king, complete with jesters (also known as opposition politicians)?


    • Here’s to bringing back the grand ol’ days! Unity through uniformity, featuring flag-waving nationalism, and the classic hits of the ‘Hungarian values’ playlist on repeat. Who doesn’t love a one-party system?

  • The Ultimate Hungarian Export – Orbánism: Forget paprika and goulash, Viktor is all about exporting his political model, proving you can indeed bottle ‘anti-liberal’ and sell it as a fragrance – Eau de Control.


    • It’s like one of those subscription boxes. Get a monthly package filled with new laws to subjugate the judiciary, garnished with a dash of xenophobia. Act now, and you’ll even get a free media muzzle!

  • One for All, But Mostly Me: Solidarity in the EU doesn’t mean that everyone’s in the boat together; it’s making sure Orbán’s at the helm, navigating through the stormy seas with the compass of ‘traditional values’.


    • Nothing inspires unity like a captain who throws life jackets overboard and calls it streamlining. Remember: it’s not dictatorship; it’s just leadership with conviction. His conviction.

  • Cash is King, and Don’t You Forget It: Financial incentives are to EU defiance as cheese is to mousetraps. You get a moment of pleasure; then it’s a snap.


    • “Do what I say, and there’ll be a little something in it for you,” whispers every mafioso in every film ever. But this takes place in Brussels, so it’s completely different. It’s legit—no cement shoes, just fiscal caresses.

  • The Charismatic Cautionary Tale: Viktor, the poster child for what happens when power decides to unpack and stay a while. It’s a love story between a man and dominion that even Taylor Swift couldn’t put to music.


    • Power’s not supposed to corrupt absolutely when you’re just really, really, incredibly committed to your ideals, right? It’s just alternative leadership – strong like bull, subtle like sledgehammer.

The Hot Take

Oh, Europe, you’ve got yourself into a pickle, and let’s face it, pickles are great on burgers, but in politics? Not so much. For those yearning for the good ol’ days of ‘traditional’ values, perhaps it’s time to remember that history also brought us beheadings, lead plumbing, and public hangings – all very traditional.

The liberal approach to un-pickling this European gherkin lies in championing the values that truly made Europe great: democracy, human rights, diversity, and that quaint little thing called the rule of law. It’s about taking forward strides, not nostalgic moonwalks. We need leaders who treat governance like a science, not alchemy, and who understand that leadership is an action, not a photo-op. Europe, you’ve danced to stranger tunes before; just make sure this one doesn’t end with a continent-wide facepalm.

Source: Occupy Brussels! Viktor Orbán’s plan for Europe.

Margaret Mayakovsky is a tenacious independent writer dedicated to exposing the truth behind political and environmental issues. She remains unwavering in her pursuit of impactful stories. Her 20-year career embodies a fearless commitment to journalism, highlighting her resolve to hold the powerful accountable with her relentless writing.

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