Hold My Beer and Watch This: Europe’s Radical Right Rollercoaster

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

You ever just sit on your couch, watching the news, and think to yourself that Europe might just be a few baguettes short of a picnic? I bet Eurovision didn’t see this one coming: the continent is diving headfirst into the river of the radical right. Hold onto your knickers, Granny, because this isn’t your leisurely river cruise. It’s more like whitewater rafting with no paddles—and the boat’s made of old political promises and bureaucratic tape.

First off, let’s just acknowledge that when Europe decides to go radical, it doesn’t mess around. We’re talking about a swing from sipping tea with a pinky out, to downing a stein of populism like there’s no tomorrow. And hey, according to these right-wingers, there might not be!

You have to marvel at the audacity—or maybe just the sheer panic—of these politicians. The world’s a mess, so their strategy is what? Yell louder than the facts and hope everyone’s too distracted to notice they’re making about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.

Now, wait a minute! Big deal, right? A few countries leaning right faster than a Pisa tower replica at a carnival. What’s the fun without a little political vertigo? Except, this isn’t just any tilt; it’s a swing straight into the arms of folks who think that every complex issue can be solved with tighter borders” or “stronger values” or whatever slogan they pulled out of the 1930s hat.

Imagine being at a party where the theme is ‘nostalgia for the days we actually don’t want to remember’. That’s this movement in a nutshell. It’s like deciding the best way to solve your computer issues is by bringing back the typewriter.

What’s even more delightful is the methods used to spread this cheery wave of traditional paranoia—social media. Ah, yes, because nothing says “progress” like using the pinnacle of technology to convince everyone that what we really need is to regress. Because, who needs stability when you can have chaos that’s trending on Twitter?

Let’s also talk about the environment, a topic so often lost in these enthusiastic debates about national identity unless it’s to claim that climate change is an elitist conspiracy. Sure, let’s all ignore that pesky science stuff. Next time there’s a flood or wildfire, just yell at it to respect our traditional values, that should make it stop in its tracks.

And amidst all this, what’s the common folk to do? Keep calm and carry on? More like tape your sanity to your forehead and hope it doesn’t get washed off in the political storm surge.

But don’t worry, there’s always a plan. Like austerity, but with more flags. Because nothing solves economic disparity like symbolic gestures and historical amnesia. Are you suffering from unemployment or lack of healthcare? Well, have you tried… nationalism? Yes, that’s like applying a Band-Aid on a broken leg, but hey, at least it’s a Band-Aid with your country’s flag on it!

In the end, you have to laugh, otherwise you just might cry. Europe is brewing a political storm that could use a little less lightning and a lot more light. But until then, we’ll be here, making jokes on the deck of the Titanic, watching as everyone argues about who gets to steer while ignoring the iceberg up ahead.

And so, dear readers, as Europe paddles furiously into the current of the radical right, remember: sometimes, you have to laugh to keep from screaming into the existential void. Let’s just hope this boat comes with life jackets.

Source: Europe Is About to Drown in the River of the Radical Right

Jared Mejia: A decade in the trenches of political writing for many outlets. Master of translating political doubletalk into snarky English. Wields sarcasm and caffeine with equal proficiency, slicing through spin with a razor-sharp wit.

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