
North Korea and Russia Swipe Right on Arms Tinder: A Love Story

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Source: Evidence of North Korea’s Weapons Shipments to Russia Given to UN

The Details

Oh, what do we have here? Another episode of Globe’s Most Unwanted Besties, featuring none other than our favorite odd couple, North Korea and Russia. In a stunning plot twist that surprises absolutely no one, evidence has surfaced about North Korea passing love notes to Russia in the form of weapons shipments. I mean, if that doesn’t scream friendship goals, I don’t know what does. It’s like watching two villains from completely different movies team up because they realized they have so much in common, like a mutual love for disrupting global peace.

The United Nations, that international hall monitor, has its hands on a smoking gun – or in this case, a shipment manifest that’s practically a mixtape of munitions love songs. According to this latest romantic bestseller from the UN, North Korea is slipping some military hardware under the table to Russia, because what’s a little clandestine arms dealing between friends?

The Breakdown

  • Bullet Point One: “Shipping and Handling… of Missiles”
    Who needs FedEx when you’ve got North Korean stealth couriers? We’re talking under-the-radar logistics here, folks. Shipping methods may include ‘sneak-it-under-the-iron-curtain’ and ‘hope-no-one’s-looking-express’.
  • Bullet Point Two: “UN’s Favorite Pastime: Document Collecting”
    I just picture the UN with giant Pokémon card binders full of evidence. It’s their favorite hobby next to, you know, issuing stern warnings that get ignored.
  • Bullet Point Three: “Russia’s ‘We Are the World’ Moment”
    Russia, on the international stage, is like me at a party – they just can’t stop making friends. But instead of lending sugar to neighbors, they’re borrowing firepower because their love language is ‘aggressive takeover’.
  • Bullet Point Four: “Kim Jong-un’s Not-so-Secret Admirer”
    Ah, young love. Kim’s over there in North Korea, checking ‘Yes’ on the ‘Do you like me? Will you supply me?’ note, because nothing says ‘admiration’ like breaking international law together.
  • Bullet Point Five: “Hide and Seek Champions 2024”
    I would pay to watch the Olympics of subterfuge these two nations could put on. In the game of international hide and seek, North Korea and Russia are the kids that no one can find until they come out for dinner – or in this case, until their secret is plastered on the front page of the news.

The Counter

  • Counter Point One: “It’s Just a Friendship Bracelet… but with Grenades”
    Can’t we just let best friends exchange gifts in peace? Maybe North Korea’s shipments are just friendship crates. The more weapons you give, the stronger the bond, right?
  • Counter Point Two: “Russian Dolls and Other Collectibles”
    Maybe Putin’s just a collector of fine North Korean military paraphernalia. Those missile launchers will look great next to the nesting dolls on his mantlepiece.
  • Counter Point Three: “Kim’s Bake Sale for Peace”
    Perhaps Kim Jong-un is simply raising funds for a good cause by selling off some gently used tanks. And by ‘good cause’, I mean funding a never-ending party for his “nuclear scientists”.
  • Counter Point Four: “Russia’s Infinite Ammo Cheat Code”
    Perhaps we’ve been looking at this all wrong. Maybe Russia just found the Konami code for real life and is stocking up on its infinite ammo. Because, hey, who doesn’t love a good cheat code?
  • Counter Point Five: “The UN Mixtape”
    What if the UN is just jealous they weren’t included in the mixtape? Maybe they wanted a piece of that sweet, sweet contraband contralto.

The Hot Take

Alright, gather around folks, because I’m about to dispense some culinary wisdom. If we want to cook up a stew of world peace, we need more than a dash of sanctions and a sprinkle of diplomatic reprimands. We need a full-blown kitchen intervention, and our main ingredient is called ‘accountability’.

Let’s spice up the UN’s recipe with some real ‘kick-in-the-pants’ consequences. How about we mix in swift actions rather than just simmer on those tepid warnings? Let’s not let the villains write the cookbook for international relations. Instead of letting the baddies swap war recipes, let’s dish out some just desserts.

Need a liberal garnish? How about stirring in a coalition of peace-preppers who aren’t afraid to throw a little weight around the geopolitical kitchen? It might just be the zest we need to solve our unsavory arms trade problem and turn that ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction Stew’ into a ‘Diplomacy Consommé’.

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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