Mike Johnson’s Speaker Survival Kit: Courtesy of the Democratic Party

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Politics is basically just a long, drawn-out episode of a bad sitcom that we can’t seem to cancel. It’s like watching paint dry, if the paint was also somehow on fire and screaming constitutional amendments at you. And in the latest episode of Capitol Hill’s finest dumpster fire, we find ourselves watching Mike Johnson, our new Speaker, cling on to his gavel like a toddler with a new toy, thanks to – wait for it – the Democrats!

Now, if this whole scenario doesn’t sound backwards to you, then congratulations, your brain has been successfully marinated in the brine that is American politics. Mike Johnson, a Republican through and through, has been handed one of the most precarious victories in recent memory, with Democrats stepping in like some sort of superhero team – if the superheroes were really confused about who they were saving and why.

You see, Johnson was about one tantrum away from being ousted. And who came to the rescue? Not his fellow Republicans. No, no. They were too busy trying to figure out if their next revolt should include pitchforks or just strongly worded emails. It was the Democrats, folks. The same party that traditionally would rather swallow hot coals than help a Republican. They stepped in and said, Oh, let’s save this fella; it’s not like anything else important is happening that we could focus on.

This situation is so absurd that if you pitched it as a sitcom plot, you’d be thrown out of the TV studio and told never to return. The Democrats’ reasoning? They didn’t want to deal with the potential replacement – a person so far to the right, they make Genghis Khan look like a moderate. So they stuck with Johnson, because, as the saying goes, better the devil you know than the devil who actually terrifies you.

And Mike Johnson, he must feel like he just won a game show. Come on down, Mike! You’ve just won a brand-new, lightly used Speaker gavel! Don’t mind the fact that your prize was handed to you by the opposing team, who are simultaneously plotting your downfall. This is normal, right?

This scenario highlights a feature of American politics that is often overlooked: no one really knows what they’re doing. It’s all just a series of unfortunate events and strange bedfellows. Republicans and Democrats working together not out of some newfound sense of bipartisan camaraderie, but because the alternative is somehow more apocalyptic.

Really, I would pay good money to see the backstage discussions here. Democrats saving a Republican Speaker? What’s next? Cats and dogs living together? A day without a tweet storm? Oh, the humanity!

So what can we expect moving forward? Well, if history teaches us anything, it’s that political memories are shorter than a goldfish’s. Today’s savior is tomorrow’s adversary and the next day’s “who are they again?” Johnson’s precarious position means he’s probably going to spend more time looking over his shoulder than forward, which is just as well, because forward is just a sea of chaos and YouTube conspiracy theories at this point.

In the grand scheme of things, this episode is just another blip on the absurd radar that is our political climate. But it’s a hilarious blip. It’s like watching someone slip on a banana peel in slow motion – you know what’s going to happen, it’s going to hurt, but darn it, if it isn’t going to be funny.

If nothing else, let this be a lesson in the bizarre alliances that form when everyone is too afraid to deal with what’s actually lurking in the shadows. It’s political theater at its finest – and as confused as ever.

Closing thoughts? Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and anyone who can oust you from your political perch at a confusing distance where you can keep an eye on them with a side-eye. It’s not strategy at this point; it’s just survival.

Source: Democrats warn Mike Johnson: Don’t get used to us saving you

Jared Mejia: A decade in the trenches of political writing for many outlets. Master of translating political doubletalk into snarky English. Wields sarcasm and caffeine with equal proficiency, slicing through spin with a razor-sharp wit.

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