Biden vs. Trump: When Grandpas Go Wild on Social Media

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Politics nowadays feels less like governance and more like a reality TV rerun, doesn’t it? Just when you think there’s nothing left to surprise you, someone screams, Hold my beer! And this week, it’s none other than Biden versus the ever-controversial Trump clip. Yes, the very one that splashed across TikTok like a badly mixed cocktail at an open bar wedding.

Well, here we go again. Picture this: Trump, TikTok, and talk of a “Unified Reich.” Sounds like the kind of bizarro mash-up even Hollywood couldn’t dream up. And yet, here we are, sipping on this surreal smoothie courtesy of American politics.

Firstly, what’s with the old-timers and TikTok? Shouldn’t there be an age limit to prevent our political figures from going viral for all the wrong reasons? I mean, is Trump trying to win a sophomore class presidency or the hearts of retired Vine stars? Between dance challenges and dubbing over famous movie lines, I wouldn’t be shocked if the next State of the Union is delivered via Snapchat with puppy dog filters.

Biden, being the gent he is, couldn’t let this stand. And of course, his backlash involves no punching, not even a witty TikTok rebuttal—a straight-up smack down in good old fashioned political decorum. Imagine that, using words to express discontent. Revolutionary! Biden trashes Trump’s clip and every logical person is thinking, Well, it’s about time somebody said something! Meanwhile, Trump’s fans are probably crafting tin foil hats shaped like TikTok logos.

Let’s break it down. Trump’s video wasn’t just a toe-over-the-line moment; it was a full-on, belly-flop into the deep end of absurd. And Joe, bless him, is attempting to mop up the mess with a napkin when what he really needs is a giant sponge—the kind you’d use to soak up a spilled ocean.

Think about the message being sent here: a former president using TikTok, a platform frequented by teenagers who can’t even vote yet, to push a political agenda wrapped in controversy. I can’t decide if it’s strategic brilliance or just plain lunacy.

Now, Biden, rather than jumping on the bandwagon of modernity and firing back a TikTok of his own, perhaps a satirical lip-sync to a Trump speech, he keeps it classy. No, not just classy—old school classy. He makes a public statement dismissing the video, using terms that hit harder than my grandmother’s wooden spoon. If that doesn’t scream “Get off my political lawn”, I don’t know what does.

And honestly, it’s a relief. Because in a world where politicians act more like internet celebrities, Biden’s response is akin to a cool breeze of sanity in a sweltering desert of emojis and viral challenges.

It’s funny, really, how politics has become this cesspool of who can get the most likes, shares, or TikTok dances. What happened to the good old days of public debates, policy discussions, and the occasional thrown shoe? Now, it’s all about who can throw the best shade in 280 characters or less.

In closing, let’s be real—nobody’s winning here. Not Trump, not Biden, and certainly not the American people. As we stand at the precipice of what feels like a political puppet show, one can only hope for fewer TikToks and more actual talks.

Source: Biden Trashes Trump’s ‘Unified Reich’ Clip on TikTok

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